You can certainly "install" Firefox browser on your XPe image. There is nothing that can block this browser from working on XPe.
Please keep in mind that XPe is just a componentized version of XP.
You can either componentize the new browser (make your own component is a cleaner way) or install it at runtime (assuming you've got
the Installer component(s) in your image config). Either way you must first resolve all the dependencies of the application. How to
figure them out? Use tools from DependencyWalker and RegMon/Filemon/ProcessMonitor to Intrl5/RegSnap to monitor the software
installation to know what files and registry entries are required. Here is an article for you to learn how to do a 3rd party
software (app) componentization in XPe : Firefox browser should be pretty
easy to componentize as not so many registry entries required there and almost all files are under a few known directories (such as
Program Files\..., Document and Settings\.., etc.)
It is going to be pretty hard to judge what are the advantages of using Firefox vs IE. There are plenty of discussions on the topic
on Web (browsers on XP). next is my own only opinion. Unless your customers are sensitive to browser GUI or their targeted webpages
only work with Firefox (I'd be surprised if this is the case), IE would be a better choice due to its more wider support. From
footprint (embedded) standpoint, IE would also probably be a better option since IE stack (especially in FP2007) is more
componentized and some of the IE stack components are used by other system components anyway.