The page cannot be displayed



I just started getting this message. Unfortunately it
come up every time I try and pay bills on line. I've
tried multiple support sites, all of which are useless,
providing no support. I'm running a Dell with windows XP
and have tried DELL, microsoft, my bank and none have
been able to fix the problem. I need to be able to pay
my bills. Any ideas?

S Vijay [MSFT]


If you try to browse secure Web sites (like the online Bill Payment sites)
, you may receive the following message in the browser window:

"The page cannot be displayed "

Additionally, you may be unable to you may be unable to download files from
secure Web sites.


This behavior may occur if any of the following conditions are true:

Your Windows user profile is corrupted.

To delete your existing user profile, follow these steps:

NOTE: You must be logged on as Administrator to the local computer to
delete user profiles.

1.Log on as Administrator or as a user with administrator rights.
2.On the Start menu, point to Settings, and then click Control Panel.
3.Double-click System, and then click the User Profiles tab.
4.Under Profiles stored on this computer, click the profile that you want
to delete, and then click Delete.
5.Log off.
6.Log on as the user account whose profile you deleted in step 4, and then
reconfigure your desktop environment with the settings that you want.

I hope the above information helps.


This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights

Marydon2607 \(remove this\)

-----Original Message-----
I just started getting this message. Unfortunately it
come up every time I try and pay bills on line. I've
tried multiple support sites, all of which are useless,
providing no support. I'm running a Dell with windows XP
and have tried DELL, microsoft, my bank and none have
been able to fix the problem. I need to be able to pay
my bills. Any ideas?
I get the same problem in trying to access my credit card
company account. I'm running Windows 98SE on DELL and it
has been suggested that the difficulty comes from trying
to access a secure site yet I can access my bank account
OK. Someone must have an answer - let's hope they read
this and reply.


I am experiencing the same problem. At first I could not
log onto any secure pages, hotmail, rhapsody, etc. I
enabled TLS under options > advanced in IE. I can now
visit some secure pages. But when I try to reach my bank
I cannot. The message I receive is that I am only runing
167 bit security WEIRD, I know. I'm still working on it,
just wanted to let you know you are not alone.


-----Original Message-----
I just started getting this message. Unfortunately it
come up every time I try and pay bills on line. I've
tried multiple support sites, all of which are useless,
providing no support. I'm running a Dell with windows XP
and have tried DELL, microsoft, my bank and none have
been able to fix the problem. I need to be able to pay
my bills. Any ideas?
I am having the exact same problem.....please somebody!

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