The page cannot be displayed



When surfing the web parts of some pages don`t appear.

Instead there is a blank area with an "i" inside a small rectangle along
with "The page cannot be displayed"

The rest of the page appears OK

Any suggestions as to what is happening?


When surfing the web parts of some pages don`t appear.

Instead there is a blank area with an "i" inside a small rectangle along
with "The page cannot be displayed"

The rest of the page appears OK

Any suggestions as to what is happening?

It could be a page using frames where a page is a set of separate web pages
melded. Maybe it can't load a particular site to the area (they are offline
or other prob). Or it could be where an advertisement would be displayed
but the page can't locate the picture/animation for the ad (maybe the url
was made incorrect by whoever made the webpage or maybe you have it blocked
in your hosts file). Most likely it is just an advert if it is a small

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