The Old Girl ... retirement


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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Sorry to say, but the Old Girl may have to retire from crunching, permanently. :(

Because she runs on Linux I have no way of "throttling back" the CPU ... no method I've found works. They is very thin on the ground anyway.

I have replace the HSF, not a great one ... my old "Hedgehog" actually noisy bugger though, that should have reduced the heat a little more than the older one ... err, it actually increased. Back to the original. :rolleyes:

This CPU has ALWAYS run hot, or should I say, hotter than other AMD Athlon XP 2500s ... normal temp doing normal run-of-the-mill stuff is 40c, if I tax it any, the temp will pop up-to 45c, however, when crunching it rapidly increases to 56-63c ... err, that is a little too hot and she has told me so by shutting down and freezing.

Yep, I know, I used to say I have a PC that runs @ 50c & up, but not no more.

She's a good Old Girl so I ain't gonna be asking her to get too stressed out ... :thumb:

I'll tag a ride with my brother next time he goes to the computer show and have a good look for a replacement HSF ... that may be some time in the future as he doesn't often go these days. Bummer.

On a more cheerful note ...

The MJW PC has actually increased point production since moving him to Ubuntu ... no, not another advert for Linux, ;) but it was annoying to see the poor output from Mandriva ... strange?

The increase may not sound a lot @ an average of 40points per return compared to the 30ish he was producing, but when you convert that to WCG points that's a 30% increase. :D

Keep up the good work folks. :thumb:
If you can find one you like Mucks, PM me :thumb: What sort of CPU is in there at the moment?
Ian Cunningham said:
If you can find one you like Mucks, PM me :thumb: What sort of CPU is in there at the moment?
Well thanks, but I ordered one off Mr Floppy ... knowing he has done some OCing I suspect his offerings are top notch.

I'll be a damn sight better than the one I have at the moment ... my own laziness really for not getting a decent one when I finally retired the noisy Hedgehog HSF ... I just bunged in anything at the time. Then, she wasn't crunching.

You can send me a blank cheque for Vista though. :)

If this for crunching, I will PM, we will work something out that doesn't hurt too much :)
floppybootstomp said:
If this for crunching, I will PM, we will work something out that doesn't hurt too much :)
Yes, it is ... I am quite happy to pay for the HSF & PP though Mr Stomp. :thumb:

I insist on it. :)
Well, I thank thee once again Floppy,

Installed HSF this morning ... isn't it amazing how some "professionals" ignore their own advice ... but I got it in there in the end.

BOIS reading on idle was just on 30c ... nice.:thumb:

Now if I can just get an OS to install I tell you what the reading is under load. :rolleyes:


* I wonder if that screwdriver slipping has anything to do with it. *