Again, you've haven't stated what next is. Is next by data entry date,
numerical order ascending, and/or alphabetical descending?
Obviously this is important, or I wouldn't be braying about it.
You can do it with DLookup(). Suppose that 'Next' implies numerical
ascending order (1, 2, 3, etc)
Suppose a textbox named txtThisValue holds the current value, and that you
want to show the Next value in txtNextValue.
txtNextValue.controlsource = nz(Dlookup("Value", "TheTable", "Value > " &
Since you want to use a label(lblNextValue), in the On Current of the form
lblNextValue.caption = nz(Dlookup("Value", "TheTable", "Value > " &
I don't know what the timing will be as far as when txtThis value will get
populated, so results may vary.
Steve Clark, Access MVP
FMS, Inc.
Professional Solutions Group
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