Windows 10 The New User Experience with Windows 10


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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Are you ready for Windows 10? Well, it was designed and developed based on feedback from millions of people around the world, so we think you probably are! Join us as we show you how Windows 10 combines the familiar things you love with a modern touch. You will get a deeper look at the user experience and discover new features. Find out how Windows 10 makes you more productive, celebrates a new generation of apps, and unlocks the power of hardware.

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I hear echoes of the same spiel given to Win 98...

You know, the only real difference tween 98 and 15 is the hardware is faster.

That quote '...combines the familiar things you love...' what they on about 'love' you gotta be some kinda weirdo if you love aspects of operating systems, in fact I wouldn't mind betting there's loads of people who have to use Windows every day for work and probably hate it.

Annuver fing too, Microsoft don't give things away lightly and by offering Win 10 to some current Windows users they're not really targeting Win 8 & 8.1 users but trying to eliminate all Win 7 OS's from machines as Win 7 will be the very last version of Windows to give the user a significant degree of freedom.

Win 8 onwards, MS become control freaks, their prime objective to keep you heading towards their 'apps' store.

Still, I am going to try it, I'm just hoping all those lovely software writers out there come up with ways round some of the shadier aspects of Win 10.

But those MS sales people, they truly make me nauseous... they're telling me I'm going to be more productive with Win 10. They've been saying that since DOS 5 and I'm really no more productive now than I was in '96.

Pah :mad:

Ok, Mr Grumpy has had his rant :D
Yep I tend to agree with you Flops, I have only used Windows from XP onwards but I still think that XP was the best OS that Microsoft brought out. It was simple and did what it said on the tin all the others Vista W7 W8 & 8.1 have got more complicated, hopefully some one will write a book so duffers like me can sit down and read the book and play with 10 until we understand it and how it operates. Some old geezers like me who are self taught do find it difficult to move from one flavour of OS to another. Admittedly I will probably download W10 when it becomes available but it will take time to adjust to the new OS.
I might download it when it comes out but hold fire to see if any gremlins with it also!
Just get the feeling MS are rushing it out to make more $$$!
7 and 8* are great! :)

I'll be installing the 10 upgrade ASAP, might give it a day or two just to see what the initial reaction is but its basically a mash up of 7 and 8.1, so I see no issue really.

*Metro start screen aside