The NEW StarWars Kid


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score

murdoch said:
Hey, dont make fun of it until you have experienced it for real:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I have ... been in & out of Kai Tak on many a flight and everyone was a white-knuckle ride ... RAF poliots just loved to scare the sh!t out of you ... ;)

The approach to Kai Tak is not for an amature poliot to try ... and in a Jumbo, ha! better have a change of underware handy.

A pilot for the Chinese airline Dragonair, Capt. Felix Hart, has been flying planes to Hong Kong since 1985. He said about the old airport: "Kai Tak will be remembered nostalgically by many pilots, but its passing will be bemoaned by few. The landing on Runway 13 is justifiably famous in the aviation world, with its spectacular approach towards the mountain, and the last-minute turn to line up on the runway. I’m looking forward to Chek Lap Kok, but I shall doubtless bore my grandchildren with ever-more embellished tales of landings at Kai Tak!" The airport sits amidst the bustling, busy city of Hong Kong and creates an awestriking atmosphere to newcomers to Hong Kong. The famous Runway 13 is now part of history.
Shame ... it's better than any roller-coaster ride. :thumb:
On a wind swept night in pouring rain into Kai Tak & then the oxygen dropped down, it is said that a few flyers needed new trousers after that

Does anyone know who "star wars kid" is:thumb:
i like Kai Tak - never been there though...shame, now its closed.

I bet Pilots LOVED it though...!