Hi, Tim.
Thank you for your help. Sorry about the ID field. Actually, it is a field
with the value of StudenID that has 5 characters in length, i.e., 21032. I
can not use AutoNum for this field. How can I code this programmatically?
Well, it depends upon how you want this five character value designed. Is
it to be incremented by one each time a new record is created? Does it
require leading zeros? Is there a floor and ceiling for this number? Will
it ever have non-digits? Et cetera.
A very simple method of incrementing a field by one is to use the DMax( )
function to find the highest number in a field and add one to that number.
If you need to format that value with leading zeros, then try:
Me!txtStudentID.Value = Format((Nz(DMax("StudenID", "tblStudents"), 0) +
1), "00000")
.... where txtStudentID is the name of the text box displaying the StudenID
field, and tblStudents is the name of the table where the StudenID field is
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