The New Pi

Aye, I saw that, they've also upped CPU speed and memory. And I recently bought a Pi-Zero :(

My purpose was to use it as an audio server with my stereo system but so far I'm not having much luck.

Maybe I should start a thread asking for help.
Aye, I saw that, they've also upped CPU speed and memory. And I recently bought a Pi-Zero :(

My purpose was to use it as an audio server with my stereo system but so far I'm not having much luck.

Maybe I should start a thread asking for help.

Not really sure what you are after but some of this info might help.

Volumio is the evolution of the RaspyFi Project, started in December 2012. Thanks to the huge success RaspyFi achieved, we thought it was time to take this project to a whole new level.

Raspberry Pi ZERO Minimal Streamer

Audio Streaming on the Cheap With an RPi Zero

How To Turn Your Raspberry PI Into A DAAP Audio Server
