Hey Plun
Ive not checked out Ben Edelmans review of this but have installed it afew
times on my system as its been around for a long time, Aurora was in this
bundle but got removed about a month ago. The site I used open's and installs
a file called wmplayer.exe.tmp into the windows media player folder then
there is a EULA shown for PacerD Media, if you choose No then its not a
problem and will not install any junk but if you choose yes it starts the
bundled install , The next pop up is for a browser enhancement where its
already got a check in the box for allow, The only option is "Close This
Window" so if you press that without first unchecking the box it installs
more junk on the system ( Pacimedia's bundle got removed of the site last
week but I supect it will be back with a different bundle soon)
There's alot of problems in the bundle (Qoologic Trojan, Trojan Downloaders
(wintask.exe exp.exe - MSAS identifies these as Navidad Worm but they are
Trojan Downloaders) , Apropos, PacerD, SurfSideKick, SAHAgent, MediaAccess,
Elite and also a Rootkit hiding files and folders on the system) newdotnet
isnt that bad compared to some of the stuff and can be removed using the
add/remove screen. I know alot of this is installed without consent but from
the site I used for testing it did display a EULA for PacerD (Pacimedia) so
clicking no is all it takes to stop the bundled install and unchecking the
box on the Browser Enhancement pop up before closing that window.
MS Antispy does block the PacerDMedia install so you would also have to
allow it on the red alert warning pop up for it to be able to continue, Once
its installed there is alot of parts that isnt detected by MS Antispy but
thats the same for Ewido, Spybot and Ad-Aware, they all miss parts of the
bundled installation and parts will keep regenerating unless you use afew of
the scanners in safe mode and manually remove any remaining junk,
RootkitRevealer shows all the hidden files/folders and reg entries and
removing the device thats hiding the files from the drivers folder in safe
mode will stop them running and make them all visable so they can then be
removed, Other files are only visible after Hidden files and Folders are
enabled on the system.
Alot of the Antispy vendors will not touch newdotnet(new.net), Spybot has it
on thier defualt ignore list so it doesnt show in a scan, Adaware removed it
in January, Spysweeper & Spyware Doctor also dont detect it and MSAS has it
set to ignore. I think the main reason for this is because it will break the
LSP chain if not removed correctly which results in no internet connection,
Its alot easier to deal with new.net through the add/remove screen or even
using thier own uninstaller to prevent having to use LSPfix and rebuilding
the winsock stacks if the removal goes wrong.
As always its best to refuse to allow installs of anything thats not needed
especially when a EULA screen pops up from nowhere, same goes for Browser
Enhancements The browser works fine as it is so I wouldnt consider up to 10
different infections much of a enhancement