The new life @ Ruskin

May 18, 2004
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So i have been at the Anglia Ruskin University of Cambridge for all of... a week and 4 days maybe?

What are my thoughts on university...

Easily one of the best weeks so far i have had in a long time.

I got here - immediatly i had people introduce themselves and invite me out - made me feel welcome at a time when no one is entirely comfortable. New surroundings and unfamiliar faces.

So then i go out clubbing with the people who introduced themselves to me, this is the same night i moved in. I start meeting people on my course comepletly by random - bumping into them. small talk at the students union bar (£1.50 a pint or £2.20 a smirnoff ice.) It's amazing considering the amount of people here that i met about half the people on my course before even the first lecture.

So then everyone has moved in by the end of the weekend - and the people that share a kitchen get to know each other. Getting drunk together goes with that. People walking down the corridor past our kitchen decide its a fun place to be, introduce themselves, and join us for a beverage of ten.

Not getting to sleep until 4am.

Doing everything as a group of friends - going to do the shopping, going to the library, watching TV, even doing laundry - Uni seems so far like one big social gathering.

We cook together - half of us from our kitchen and some more people who we "adopted" into our cooking area because its better than theirs and they have become top mates - Cooking in industrial quantities for meals round the table is not only fun but exceedingly cheap at that - we had a curry the other night with all the accessories - Naan, Papodoms, and two different types of rice and two different types of curry flavour. Less than £2 a head all in. amazing, and means we eat well.

9 hours of teaching a WEEK. I get mondays and fridays off - i am aware this is for private study but i like the fact i could go home for a 4 day weekend if i needed to.

4 hours and 12 minutes on the bus.

So to sum it up - Uni seems like a good place to be right now - the people are amazing, its very interesting, incredibly sociable.

I am also now a photographer for the university - they like pictures taken of the nightly events - not my usual environment taking pics and shoving them on the net that night without editing but its something i can do - they are trying to get me a paid position in the marketing dept as a photographer there.


Anyhow - i have a lecture at the unearthly hour of 10am tomorrow so i have to be up really early. Social Science & Society 1 hour lecture 1 hour seminar.

good night :)
Glad your enjoying it Chris...makes me jealous a tad as well if i'm honest...Take care mate....Oh and don't forget to set that alarm clock for the morning...:D
Brill m8 glad to hear your having fun. I myself have just helped a friend start promoting his new nights in Leeds, Liverpool and Chester. Going by the names Hump, Hump and Beans respectively and chester being the biggest student night in Cheshire and Wirral/Merseyside we have a lot of freshers joining all having copious amounts of fun.

Leeds to Chester in 53 minutes, Ouch sorry van ;)

Have fun m8 and remember theres plenty more to come, believe me I help set stuff like that all up :D
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Sounds good Chris :D I can't belive you only get 9 hours of lectures a week though, is there loads of reading to do outside of that? :eek:

Uni is such a good time, especially the first year when you meet loads of new people and do new things! :thumb:
Sounds like your having a right laugh Chris. Enjoy it mate. :)
Really good to hear your enjoying Uni Mr Chris.
I enjoyed my time at Agricultural Colllege, it was Beer, more drinking & a bit of studying:D
... the best days of your life, hold on to the memories. ;)

Enjoy! :cool:
Like flops said, Have a fantastic time but don't forget to study :D
It's kinda useful for assignments & exams :nod:
But only 9 hours of lectures a week?
& you're doing a bachelors degree :confused:
something wrong there.
How many papers are you taking this year?
Used to be an average of 4 lectures/week per paper
Plus tutorials (1 hr each 1/paper/week) & labs (3 hrs each 2-4/paper/week) on top of that.
something really wierd going on here :confused: