The Network Connection has been interrupted



I am trying to install outlook Connector to manage Windows Live Hotmail.
After numerous attempts I have not been successful. I also keep receiving a
statement saying "The network connection has been interrupted. Please try
again later"
Please would you help me solve this problem? I do not know whether this is
also indirectly affecting the use of a webcam. I can receive someone else's
picture but I cannot send mine to any recipient. By the way I can see my own
pic clearly on my monitor. perhaps these two problems are unrelated.

I do hope you will be able to assist me. Thank you

Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

I am trying to install outlook Connector to manage Windows Live Hotmail.
After numerous attempts I have not been successful. I also keep receiving a
statement saying "The network connection has been interrupted. Please try
again later"
Please would you help me solve this problem?

State the EXACT process you're using to install the Connector IN DETAIL.
State your Outlook version as well.


Brian Tillman said:
State the EXACT process you're using to install the Connector IN DETAIL.
State your Outlook version as well.

I am also having the same issue and I want a real response, not a canned
toss the ball back response which is the epitome of inanity.

Brian Tillman [MVP-Outlook]

I am also having the same issue and I want a real response, not a canned
toss the ball back response which is the epitome of inanity.

Do you refuse to tell your doctor what your symptoms are and call him inane
when he asks? That, certainly, would be silly. Post nothing and you'll get
no help.

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