The MJW PC ... an update


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I am pleased to announce that the MJW PC has a new OS

Well actually, I'm more pleased to find everything went without a hitch.

I have been having some problems with the version of Linux I was using, that has now been replaced with Ubuntu ... don't worry, I fully tested it out on the "Old Girl" first, very pleased indeed with this offering of Linux.

One deciding factor was the fact that you can install the Boinc client AND Boinc manager just by pointing & clicking ... the Windows way if you like ... another factor was the way it found all the hardware, including monitor, MX700 mouse and S3 Unichrome video card AND defaulted to 1280x1024 @85Hz not to mention it also automatically updates with no problems, without having me resort to pulling what hair I have left out of my head. ;)

Sun 15 Oct 2006 17:00:13 BST||Running CPU benchmarks
Sun 15 Oct 2006 17:01:12 BST||Benchmark results:
Sun 15 Oct 2006 17:01:12 BST|| Number of CPUs: 1
Sun 15 Oct 2006 17:01:12 BST|| 1163 floating point MIPS (Whetstone) per CPU
Sun 15 Oct 2006 17:01:12 BST|| 2022 integer MIPS (Dhrystone) per CPU
Sun 15 Oct 2006 17:01:12 BST||Finished CPU benchmarks
Sun 15 Oct 2006 17:01:13 BST||Resuming computation
I never did one for the old OS, well I cannot find it if I did, but I do hope the MJW PC will now go back to a better score than before ... if not, then I may just ask for donations for a copy of Vista to run on it. :D

I'll be posting a Linux Ubuntu thread ... at sometime or other.

I'm pleased that the upgrade went so smoothly :) How do you go about running that benchmark - I'll give it a go on my windows machine if it's possible to do that :D
Well done mucks!

Ian Cunningham said:
How do you go about running that benchmark - I'll give it a go on my windows machine if it's possible to do that :D
Thats the BOINC benckmark.

Ope BOINC, click on Advanced, then run cpu benckmarks. :thumb:
Adywebb said:
Nice one Mucks :D

Thanks for looking after him so well :bow:
Well thanks ... BUT ... :o

I think there is a bug in the power management ... everything shuts down? goes into powersave? the only way I can get it back is to reboot.

This does not happen on the 'Old Girl' and I have only just spotted it this morning. :(

Working on it ... everything relating to power management is off ... but?

Will be searching for an answer ...

Problem solved ... it was an "ID 10 T ItC" error. :rolleyes:

Still damed anoyed at loosing a days crunching though.

Ah, the old "ID 10 T ItC" error eh? - always the same :rolleyes: is that then Mucks :o
Adywebb said:
Ah, the old "ID 10 T ItC" error eh? - always the same :rolleyes: is that then Mucks :o
eye dee ten Tee ItC == "Idiot In the Chair" ... :D

You are an I D 10 T was/is quite often used to err, express yourself ... I just added the "in the chair" bit to confuse them that know.

I was configuring the Old Girl at the same time as the MJW pc ... missed the bloody screen-saver crap ... funny bit was though, it blanked the screen within 5min but was set for10min and to display a random saver ... I sat with a stop watch, and waited.

Because the Old Girl & MJW are connected via a KVM switch, when I thought I was done, I just switched back to the Old Girl to have a play.

Have been out to get some milk and he's still going strong ... 'problem' solved.

This Ubuntu Linux is very good ... and so damn easy to update and install anything. :thumb:

Quick, hide this post so no one else knows.

Heck, I thought you all knew that one.

It is even better to say it over the phone to a 'customer' :eek: :D