Win2k sp4, 1gb crucial, raid 1 (adaptec card)
Lately being getting following err msg (varying circumstances)
'The instruction at 0x77d96871 referenced memory at 0x66df39dc The memory
could not be written'
Chkdsk reports no errs, mem86 no errs, hd utility no errs, raid utility no
errs, defragged
Event Viewer shows a couple of Service Control Manager errs ID 7003 and 7023
'not enough resources'
All apps and the PC continue to function ok
Any thoughts?
Lately being getting following err msg (varying circumstances)
'The instruction at 0x77d96871 referenced memory at 0x66df39dc The memory
could not be written'
Chkdsk reports no errs, mem86 no errs, hd utility no errs, raid utility no
errs, defragged
Event Viewer shows a couple of Service Control Manager errs ID 7003 and 7023
'not enough resources'
All apps and the PC continue to function ok
Any thoughts?