The meaning of your PCR name

Apr 19, 2008
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This is just a general question..I am really interested to know the meaning of the names people use on PCR fora, and how they came about them..
The meaning of my name?
well at the time it was my 'gaming' name to tell you the truth.

Since then my name has changed many times over - but i've deceided to keep it for PCR.

i remember the reasons behind Flops and Mucks ... But i will let them tell their story :)
We've had several of these threads since PCR started. On reflection, we should have made the longest one a sticky.

So, explanation for myself can be found in This thread :)

El Linko. Sugar n Spikes is also a Beefheart song title.
My parents came up with mine :lol:

I was boring and just used my name ;)
Ian Cunningham said:
My parents came up with mine

I was boring and just used my name ;)

Suppose it might p*ss them off a bit if you went and changed it..
mine's easy, ciri@NZ (New Zealand)
ciri is the funny bit I suppose
It's the name/ID that I invented for a friend who wanted to go on a dating site about7-8 years ago. She joined up then never went on again & a couple of years later when I wanted an ID for my social activities seperate from my research etc & I found it on my computer. Lilian had never used it (I don't think she even went on the site again to see if she got any responses lol... I wonder if I'm still in some site's register somewhere :lol: ). Now I've been using it so long I can't imagine not using it. Even some of my RL friends call me ciri. ciri is me :).
Cool :thumb:

:D My nana & Grandad lived in a dirt house with walls over a foot thick when I was a kid :D

You had to go down the step to get inside cause about 2 feet of it was below ground level :D

I used to love going to visit them :)
From the greatest Rock band ever, and how my wife see`s me (lol)
Mines from my days as working in the NHS as an IT Techie.
After a hard day supporting upto 3k of users it was a term that often got aired!
Hence Feckit or in simple terms F*ckIT!!!
When I answer the phone I say Hello itsme. And I dont need double gazing> a new bathroom suite> credit card nothing in fact, so what ever your selling try someone else:nod:
This is basically my "Oldschool" gaming name. Then i realised it was a little stupid. So now i use A_Toothpick. I find it quite amusing ingame

Hi Cirianz

Good to see you too.

I do pop by most days to see what's going on and to ask the odd question or two.

Still my fave PC site - the members are the best in the world and believe me I have tried a few similar sites over the years :)


Gabs xx
I don't get in as often as I like these days with studying so it's very good to bump into you :D