The left function does not work when displaying times, how is thi.



The left function does not work when displaying times on Excel 2000. I
entered the data in the following format "9:40," but the data box converts it
to "9:40.00 AM." I changed the format so the time appears as "9:40" on the
spreadsheet. However, I want to display just the hour, the first digit, in
the next column. When I use the left function (=LEFT(B4, 1)), I always get a
zero. Just to see what happened, I displayed the left 4 digits and I receive
some unusual fractions "0.402..." I would greatly appreciate some help on
this topic. Thanks!

Bob Phillips


should do it



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Arvi Laanemets



and format as custom "h"

In excel, date and time are just numbers. Dates are integer numbers, the
count of days starting from 1 January 1900. Time is decimal part of this
number, i.e. 1 matches for 24 hours. So the time interval 1 hour is really a
number, equal to 1/24.
Because date and time are both numbers, you can easily use datetime values
in Excel (formatted p.e. as " hh:mm" or "yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss"
etc.), and adding/substaracting time and date values is a simple arithmetic.
When you operate only with time values, you can ignore date (integer) part
(so long the time intervals remain <24 hours), but really you are using
times from 31. December 1899 (the date 0.1.1900).

Arvi Laanemets

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