... the last days of feudal Sark


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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It's the last outpost of feudalism in the Western world - a tiny island in the English Channel where an elderly 'Seigneur' rules the inhabitants from his 17th-century manor house. But not for much longer. The strange idyll that is Sark is poised to embrace democracy, and an ancient way of life may disappear for ever.
I was never any good at History ... but that was an interesting read.


Yes interesting read Muck's.

Well he can't moan can he, he's had a pretty good run...

I wouldn't be happy if i had to pay a thirteenth of any land sale to someone just because 500 years ago Queen Liz 1st said that the particular family should be paid that sum...I think when she died that particular rule should have gone with her...

And all monies paid since then should be refunded...:lol:
I find it hard to believe something like this still existed :lol: I don't think I could live on an island far away from it all like that, not for too long anyway.

I'll have to start saving for my moon base :p Anyone want to be a feudal moon lord? ;)
The main issue of course is going to be taxation. 28 officials who are now going to have to be paid. Spread those wages over 600 odd people... plus infrastructure costs... reckon, in reminiscence, one 13th of your land sale might start looking pretty cheap. Especially, since most people don't sell their houses every year, in comparison to... sorry, what % of your anual income do you pay to your government every year? :rolleyes:

& I don't think he was moaning, given that he voted for the change ;)

& as for aincient laws... John tells me you have rights of way for ducks & things that go over roads & the like, & public walkways, that can go right through peoples back yards over there? & you can't stop them cos some aincient king said they could long before your house/back yard was built.
That you cannot deny total strangers the right to live in your house if they move in while you're on holiday! If they 'pick your lock' (or have a set of 'bump keys) & say that the door was open then you cannot force them to leave!?:eek: Your really have 'squatters rights' over there! still!!! I couldn't believe it. I still can't quite believe it!
& apparently Britain is full of these old laws that are still valid today. Staggering. Absolutely Staggering! Talk about history.

In general I think feudalism is an appalling form of government. But it ain't my job to sit in judgement of other countrys governmental systems. After all, can't claim that ours is so perfect. And in this situation... if it ain't broke... don't fix it. & it looks like most of the push for change is comming from Immigrants rather than the 'born & bred' inhabitants. I think these people are going to find that they cut there own throats here.
I wonder if Barclays will be quite so keen for the changes when they suddenly start getting their tax bills :rolleyes:
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cirianz said:
That you cannot deny total strangers the right to live in your house if they move in while you're on holiday! If they 'pick your lock' (or have a set of 'bump keys) & say that the door was open then you cannot force them to leave!?:eek: Your really have 'squatters rights' over there! still!!! I couldn't believe it. I still can't quite believe it!

Oh yes, that's very true - it happens quite often. If a house is empty and someone gets in without forcing an entry, then you can't just chuck them out - there's more to it than that I guess, legally. It often happens to abandoned properties. Mind you, if I came back from holiday with someone sitting in my flat I doubt I'd pay much attention to it ;)
lol, no, I must admit I wouldn't be inclined to be gracious if I came home after a holiday to find someone living in my home :rolleyes: