Oh dear, and you accused me of starting and perpetuating a flame war...and
look what I have just come across.
Tell us all please do, what's it like, you know, what's it like to be like
you? Mr Jack?
who is stupid enough to tell every one where he was posting his messages
and stupid enough to tell us all that he has a .NET passport and what his
actual IP address is....you must have been in one hell of a hurry to post
all of your smart alec messages, you clean forgot that you need to do rather
a lot more than you have if you wish to remain hidden
So, with regard to all of your remarks after I pointed out how stupid
PAPAJOHN actually is with regard to the astounding revelation he has made
that Movie Maker is quote "NETWORK AWARE" in what way do you think you
contributed other than by starting another flame war...just like those
others you had a hand in.
When do you think someone who actually has some clout at Microsoft will step
in and enquire about JAKE in Glendale at the given IP address?
I would ask What do you think, But I am sure you will give us the benefit of
some of your so carefully crafted stupid remarks.....for someone working so
close to Microsoft HQ that is
John Kelly