The Kellys Web Site

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Kelly
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John Kelly


For those of you who have little interest in the babbling of certain people
in the message above this, but all the same have seen the title of the
message, this is for you.

Despite the continual probing sly remarks from a certain group of people
(The Internet name for them by the way is Troll's) who do their best to
discredit or make fun of others, the website "" has NOT
been hacked or in any way damaged. The site is functioning perfectly and
part of that functionality is to try and block certain Troll's. After all,
if someone out on the street started "having a go" at you, you would not
afterwards invite them into your home, would you? And that's what is eating
at them right now.

The correct procedure when you find your self unable to access a website is
to consult your own ISP and if no luck there, send the webmaster of that
site an e-mail explaining the problem. These Trolls are fully aware of that
and so you may wonder what their motivation was by posting the above
messages in this newsgroup. If you are now thinking, "I am getting tired of
this", my answer would be, "So am I", but as doubts were thrown over the
question as to whether the site had been hacked, I felt that it is only
right and proper that I should assure you that it is working exactly the
way I want it to, and all is well.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly
All material gained from other sources is duly acknowledged. No Value is
obtained by publishing in any format other peoples work