the info or the device information..

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ramon Ray
  • Start date Start date

Ramon Ray

Hi all, I'm getting a "the inf or the device information
set or element does not match the specified install class"
error - any help?

I've seen Microsoft's solution and tried it - does not

I also know some others were having problems, as I did a
google search (only 4 hits though).

Maybe a virus? LASTLY, this happened after the power
outage - could the nics have been fried? But then
again...something's working to get this inf error it's not
like the card is not recognized!
Here is something you might want to try. I have not done this personally so
I am not sure if this will work...

1. If anything shows up in add/remove programs, remove it.
2. Go to Winnt\inf and rename the OEM.inf files.
3. Go into regedt32 and under HKLM\SYSTEM\CURRENT CONTROL SET\ENUM\PCI.
each Ven key delete all the child keys that are related to network adapters.
4. (If you get an error, right click on the key and change permissions -
give the
everyone group full control).
5. Reboot the system.
6. You should be able to install the network adapter.

Best regards,
Brian Oakes, MCSE
Microsoft Product Support
Windows 2000 Server Networking Team

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