The Infamous RC1 'Conversation': Vista WILL Rock You

  • Thread starter Thread starter John Jay Smith
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Rpbert McLaws is bright and works hard at making a useful interesting blog
but he is a non-recovering addicted MSFT Synchophant and it blinds his
ability to be constructively critical, and will cheerlead whatever they come
up with with blind loyalty as surely as people in my country will say "stay
the course in Iraq" is a great idea.

Chad, such descriptions as "non-recovering addicted MSFT Synchophant " when
attached to unnamed persons is one thing, but I think it is beneath you to
refer to people by name in this way in a public newsgroup. It makes you
look like you can't discount his comments on their merit and are resorting
to marginalizations.
a larger concern is that there is no such word as "Synchophant".
One has to assume that *sycophant* is meant instead, which is a noun meaning
"a person who flatters someone important in a servile way."
Chad to confirm if this was his intended meaning.
I disagree. If you read Robert's blog he names people he disagrees with,
and dismisses them with phrases like:

"So what could make me change my mind so quickly? I got a sneak peek at the
build TechBeta testers will receive (hopefully) soon. I won't go into
details now, but suffice it to say, tt will have been worth the wait.
Brandon's all hung up on UI, and that's fine. I'm not as picky as Brandon
and Pirillo are (although I don't know how many people complaining it will
take until they get Win 3.1 UI out of the OS). I just want to be able to use
it on a daily basis without it hosing my computer in one form or another.
And I wouldn't mind having my system be quick enough to be, God forbid,
productive. I'm on a dual core 3GHz box with 3GB of RAM for Pete's sake...
I ought to be able to have an app pop right up when I launch it."

I don't think it's insulting at all. It's just an observation that MSFT has
a lot of very bright people brain washed and syncophant is the best word I

My standards for Vista, given the voluminous information both of us have
read on it for years are a lot higher than something that "I can use on a
daily basis without it hosing my computer." I have every device working on
5342 (the only holdout had been my 6 year old scanner) and I like to take
the attitude "give me the device--tell me it won't work on Vista 32 bit--64
bit is a different story requiring all signed drives and some are just not
available anymore as signed drivers) and I'll make it work on Vista--and I
can use it easily as a production machine and many many builds before it,
but that isn't the gold standard for what was envisioned and I find their
time table frankly crazy and tantamount to throwing whatever they have in a
box and shipping it around October 25.

That's just really tragic and I think it shows that it's about head faking
to get the money and I'll bet you there are some very very pissed off
developers throughout those Redmond campus buildings Colin.

I'd like the guys and girls calling the shots to go on the network news and
say "Yeah we're shippin it this way--got any probelms with that?"

I'd like a nickle for all the posts I've seen on Beta newsgroups that said
Turtle Beach wouldn't work some from lol Creative Labs guys and some here
and other places and the ole upgrade advisor says a lot of things won't work
that will. I wonder where they got the information that is false that fills
the upgrade advisor? What's the point of having the thing if it's going to
flatly make false statements? I know it doesn't swear on under oath but it
all but does--according to my screenshot.

I'm not resorting to "marginilizations and if you check the links I've
posted seveal times, I'm not the lone ranger and many of your fellow MVPs
have used words like "horrendous." The author of nearly one million books
sold called Vista Inside Out who writes very valuable blogs on aspects of
Windows and things MSFT has done just that.

Chris Perillo was asked to give Allchin feedback when he interviewed him and
he has done that in spades--repeatedly. I'm not quite sure of your context
for marginlization--do you mean just making it up for perjorative comments'
sake, because that's hardly the case.

How do you explain that between RC1 whatever build comes next week and
October 25 or so that thing is ready for RTM? I'd like to hear that from
someone as meticulous as you are.

Correction that should have been 5472.


Chad Harris said:
I disagree. If you read Robert's blog he names people he disagrees with,
and dismisses them with phrases like:

"So what could make me change my mind so quickly? I got a sneak peek at
the build TechBeta testers will receive (hopefully) soon. I won't go into
details now, but suffice it to say, tt will have been worth the wait.
Brandon's all hung up on UI, and that's fine. I'm not as picky as Brandon
and Pirillo are (although I don't know how many people complaining it will
take until they get Win 3.1 UI out of the OS). I just want to be able to
use it on a daily basis without it hosing my computer in one form or
another. And I wouldn't mind having my system be quick enough to be, God
forbid, productive. I'm on a dual core 3GHz box with 3GB of RAM for
Pete's sake... I ought to be able to have an app pop right up when I
launch it."

I don't think it's insulting at all. It's just an observation that MSFT
has a lot of very bright people brain washed and syncophant is the best
word I know.

My standards for Vista, given the voluminous information both of us have
read on it for years are a lot higher than something that "I can use on a
daily basis without it hosing my computer." I have every device working
on 5342 (the only holdout had been my 6 year old scanner) and I like to
take the attitude "give me the device--tell me it won't work on Vista 32
bit--64 bit is a different story requiring all signed drives and some are
just not available anymore as signed drivers) and I'll make it work on
Vista--and I can use it easily as a production machine and many many
builds before it, but that isn't the gold standard for what was envisioned
and I find their time table frankly crazy and tantamount to throwing
whatever they have in a box and shipping it around October 25.

That's just really tragic and I think it shows that it's about head faking
to get the money and I'll bet you there are some very very pissed off
developers throughout those Redmond campus buildings Colin.

I'd like the guys and girls calling the shots to go on the network news
and say "Yeah we're shippin it this way--got any probelms with that?"

I'd like a nickle for all the posts I've seen on Beta newsgroups that said
Turtle Beach wouldn't work some from lol Creative Labs guys and some here
and other places and the ole upgrade advisor says a lot of things won't
work that will. I wonder where they got the information that is false
that fills the upgrade advisor? What's the point of having the thing if
it's going to flatly make false statements? I know it doesn't swear on
under oath but it all but does--according to my screenshot.

I'm not resorting to "marginilizations and if you check the links I've
posted seveal times, I'm not the lone ranger and many of your fellow MVPs
have used words like "horrendous." The author of nearly one million books
sold called Vista Inside Out who writes very valuable blogs on aspects of
Windows and things MSFT has done just that.

Chris Perillo was asked to give Allchin feedback when he interviewed him
and he has done that in spades--repeatedly. I'm not quite sure of your
context for marginlization--do you mean just making it up for perjorative
comments' sake, because that's hardly the case.

How do you explain that between RC1 whatever build comes next week and
October 25 or so that thing is ready for RTM? I'd like to hear that from
someone as meticulous as you are.
