I have a question on the use of he grow and shrink emphais option
under custom animation.
I make an object (an airplane icon) grow to say 150% (i.e. 50%
larger) - the take-off drama
I them make a motion path that allows my airplane to fly in a
NorthWesterly diagonal direction - the journey drama
I then shrink my airplane to nomal (actual) size from its grown size -
the landing dramslative to the alre
my question is when i shrik the airplane icon object is such shrinking
calulated relative to the actual normal size or is it calculated
relative to the already grown size (in which case i would have to
shrink it by 33.33 % to return it to normal size).
Of course auto reverse id not checked
I have a question on the use of he grow and shrink emphais option
under custom animation.
I make an object (an airplane icon) grow to say 150% (i.e. 50%
larger) - the take-off drama
I them make a motion path that allows my airplane to fly in a
NorthWesterly diagonal direction - the journey drama
I then shrink my airplane to nomal (actual) size from its grown size -
the landing dramslative to the alre
my question is when i shrik the airplane icon object is such shrinking
calulated relative to the actual normal size or is it calculated
relative to the already grown size (in which case i would have to
shrink it by 33.33 % to return it to normal size).
Of course auto reverse id not checked