Thank you so much every one

I'm so sorry I missed this thread until now

only been keeping track of my blog thread these last few days & didn't look anywhere else.
I am so excited & thank you so much for all the good wishes

Oh... and you should see the cake my sister made me

I was just awestruck

it is incredible
the whole top piece, including the bride & groom are made out of icing !!! I will make sure we get some photos & post them later.
it is WOW!!!
God she has a gift

I told her she ought to do it professionaly & she just laughed
she says the amount all the bits & pieces, including the cake boards & butter icing etc cost she would have to charge about $125-150 just to cover the costs
& most people just can't afford to pay that for a birthday cake
so she mostly just does it for friends when she feels like it
well she certainly has a gift. & an incredible amount of patience.
I could never do anything like that.
Thank you all once again

I wish I had time to reply to each of you individually
you have all been wonderful

& Ady, thank you for that stunning dress
you really blew me away with that gift

I wish you could be here to see it,
But I will have photo's posted as soon as I'm back
goose is calling
better go before he wakes everyone in the neighbourhood.
*bounce bounce bounces away...*