The future of digital storage

Puts things in to perspective doesn't it. It feels like storage hasn't really changed that much over the past 10 or so years (other than SSDs becoming more common), but actually when you look at the price of things like 128GB memory cards you really see how things have changed.

A 128GB USB drive can cost under £15 now, which is incredible compared to a decade ago.
Some big numbers there. :eek:

I suppose the next step change will be when we get Quantum Computing. :nod:
Interesting article, if you can get ya head around it

I have read an article in the news paper to the effect that as more and more digital storage space is needed,so the buildings grow ever larger. And in doing so the heat build up also increases. Better cooling systems have to be developed. It has got the point that they are thinking of building storage units in the Arctic to help with heat problem. That should help in melting the ice caps.