The future is not far away ...

Very clever indeed - especially when it comes to the product scanning in the latter half. If they combined that with some of the little HUD (edit: head up display) units available at the moment then it would be an even better experience :)
well aside from the fact that its well-timed for tomorrow and some of the interface gave that impression .. if its real ... wow!
MattM said:
if its real ... wow!

Oh yes, that's real indeed :) There are loads of clever bits of tech about, I just hope some make it to market as a useful device someday soon :D
Phew mindblowing is an understatement. Wish I was thirty years younger.

A very interesting presentation. I thought she nearly lost the audience when she mentioned toilet paper but as the presentation evolved the toilet paper was pretty much a show stopper. Following it withthe student and watch at the end was the icing on the cake. Of course the product helped but despite its rather low key approach and delivery it was a master class in how to demonstrate a new product that is still at the Heath Robinson stage.


The only real drawback that I can see in its current stage is the fact that it seems you have to be in very low light areas in order to be able to use the projector. Perhaps in future forms it can be integrated into glasses/sunglasses and project the image onto a kind of HUD rather than onto a solid surface.
Maybe something along the lines of those ez-vision glasses that project your video in front of your eyes, but pref in a better quality etc.
Will have to watch this video a few times before commenting erm. meanwhile the demonstrator's cut finger should have come first.
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