Every time I turn on my Dell Microsoft Windows XP PC a box appears on the desktop with the heading: Files Needed..
'The File 'hpzimc05.dll' on (Unknown) is needed
Type the path where the file is located, and then click OK.
It provides a field in which I am to enter the location I presume..
I've considered doing a search for the file and, if I find it, using it's location in the field: but I don't know what any of this means so am reluctant to do anything at all really, in case I am tinkering with the stability of the syste
If anyone can advise me on this I would appreciate it
'The File 'hpzimc05.dll' on (Unknown) is needed
Type the path where the file is located, and then click OK.
It provides a field in which I am to enter the location I presume..
I've considered doing a search for the file and, if I find it, using it's location in the field: but I don't know what any of this means so am reluctant to do anything at all really, in case I am tinkering with the stability of the syste
If anyone can advise me on this I would appreciate it