The error msg..& suddenly close the browsers closed

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it really took me half an hour to be able to
reply!!The error msg keeps poping up to me
close every opened browsers... how to check the RAM is there any inbuilt
Application or i have to download one..although I ve upgraded the
configuration of my computer one month ago..RAM is 1Gb capacity...and I ve
Anti virus "kaspersky"and I scanned the system and there is no threats But I
don't know what is wrong I hate dr.watson!
I am having similar problems with ie7. Frank Saudners kindly sent links, but
they sent me to blank pages. Perhaps if we join forces, someone will give us
a solid answer.

I've been running IE 7 since it first arrived - the early adopter syndrome.
For the past two weeks IE7 and/or "(not so) Live" messenger have been
exceptionally unstable. IE 6 has been solid as a rock over the same period,
so it is neither my ISP or the basic system at MS.

Messenger or ie7 keeps dropping me off line mid-message, IE7 and/or "Live"
telling me to log in when I obviously already am- I'm reading my email!
Also IE7 seems very "needy" & "clingy" - it keeps asking if it can send me
messages and if I want messages from their "partners" every time I visit this
the MS site or respond/start a query.

I have installed the MS validation software, Spy Sweeper w/ virus scan. I
have automatic updates and installations. my OS, antiSpyware, and antivirus
is all up to date. Note: the situation has gotten worse since the last round
of "automatic updates" installed. (I'm not real fond of Dr. Watson, either.)

The Kat
Yasmin said:
it really took me half an hour to be able to
reply!!The error msg keeps poping up to me
close every opened browsers... how to check the RAM is there any inbuilt
Application or i have to download one..although I ve upgraded the
configuration of my computer one month ago..RAM is 1Gb capacity...and I ve
Anti virus "kaspersky"and I scanned the system and there is no threats But I
don't know what is wrong I hate dr.watson!

Your symptom very likely means that you have some incompatible third-party
programs active, possibly malware.

Try using the Manage Add-ons tool to disable all non-standard add-ons.
Note: If you are using IE7 don't think you can use its full No Add-ons option
because you need some ActiveX for using the web interface to newsgroups.

E.g. for a first cut, Show: Add-ons that have been used in Internet Explorer,
sort that list by Publisher and disable ones which have unknown publisher.
If that improves the symptom you can refine the diagnosis by using a divide
and conquer approach. E.g. split the list of add-ons that you disabled in half
and re-enable half. If the symptom comes back you will know that somewhere
in the half that you re-enabled there is a problem. It doesn't necessarily mean
that the other half that you left disabled can be re-enabled either but if you guess
that there is only one problem cause there is a good chance that re-enabling
that other half would be successful. Continue with the divide and conquer strategy
with each successive half until you have re-enabled as many add-ons as possible
or as many as you want to bother testing.

Good luck

Robert Aldwinckle