The DNS server could not find or open zone file dns

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Well, here's my scenario. Yesterday, I edited my foward lookup file. At
the same time, the server ran out of hard drive space showing only 14MB
available on drive C: - I did not figure this out until after some
troubleshooting and a reboot. When I opened the event viewer I noticed
the following in DNS server events:

Event ID: 1004
The DNS server could not find or open zone file
dns\ in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.
Verify that the zone file is located in this directory and that it
contains valid data.

When I looked at the file, I noticed that is was zero k in size (looks
funny if I type '0k') so I looked in the folder in the same directory
called backup and found a replacement. However, the replacement file
was dated 2002. After doing this, amoung other strange things happening
on the network all MS 2002 standard outlook clients are getting
"outlook is retrieving data from the exchange server" delay messages.

Any ideas?
Well, here's my scenario. Yesterday, I edited my foward lookup file.
At the same time, the server ran out of hard drive space showing only
14MB available on drive C: - I did not figure this out until after
some troubleshooting and a reboot. When I opened the event viewer I
noticed the following in DNS server events:

Event ID: 1004
The DNS server could not find or open zone file
dns\ in the %SystemRoot%\System32\Dns directory.
Verify that the zone file is located in this directory and that it
contains valid data.

When I looked at the file, I noticed that is was zero k in size (looks
funny if I type '0k') so I looked in the folder in the same directory
called backup and found a replacement. However, the replacement file
was dated 2002. After doing this, amoung other strange things
happening on the network all MS 2002 standard outlook clients are
getting "outlook is retrieving data from the exchange server" delay

Any ideas?

Was the zone AD Integrated at any time? As Adrian said, you may have to
recreate it if it were a Primary zone. Unless you changed the zone to AD
integrated on one of the other DCs, and if the zone existed on all your
DC/DNS servers, then it would automatically be changed to AD INtegrated and
deleted out of the system32\DNS folder.

But it sounds like your issues are deeper if your MAPI clients cannot find
Exchange and will be difficult to diagnose without additional info. Can you
post some more info to better help you out with? Such as...

1. Unedited ipconfig /all of your DCs and one sample workstation please
2. The exact zone name spellng in DNS and whether updates are allowed on the
3. The AD DNS domain name as it shows up in ADUC.
4. If the SRV records exist under your zone.

Innovative IT Concepts, Inc
Willow Grove, PA

This posting is provided "AS-IS" with no warranties or guarantees and
confers no rights.

Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft MVP - Directory Services
Microsoft Certified Trainer

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