The Devil & the Deep Blue Sea ... Please read


I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
Reaction score
I'm dishartened, disillusioned and confused ... :(

F@H has ripped the heart out of 'crunching' for me and a few of my friends ... and I cannot continue to support it ... this decision was not taken lightly on my behalf and I would therefore like to relinquish my Captaincy of "The PC Review Crew" team.

Anybody wishing to take up this post is more than welcome to PM me ... I will hand over the details for the team's site at F@H.

I'm going to have a look at World Community Grid which is a "non-profit" funded by IBM ... they do cater for human diseases such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, SARS, and malaria. So I'll still be using my PC for the same cause.

If anybody wishes to join me on this NEW venture, then I will gladly set-up a New Team ... with Ian's permission I would also like to use the PCReview name in the team.

Sincere apologies to one and all :o
To be honest, I'll crunch for whoever makes the biggest difference. If WCG is better, I'll switch to them as its no hassle. Is this IBM project quite similar, and does it have ranking etc...?

Of course you can use PCReview in the team name Mucks ;)
I think it would be better if we let Mucks go and have a look first before we all jump ship again - otherwise if its no good either, we will all have to keep jumping from one to another...
Adywebb said:
I think it would be better if we let Mucks go and have a look first before we all jump ship again - otherwise if its no good either, we will all have to keep jumping from one to another...
I agree ... please do, I already made that mistake once.

Nothing we can really do about Find-a-Drug, as it is closing, it was good fun too ... if it starts back up, I'll be first one in the queue.

I'm not twisting anybodies arm here to "swap" to a new place ... F@H has a track record that seems to work, I "personally" just ain't happy with them. :(

No reason we can't have both ... and I would not hesitate in giving Adywebb the keys for F@H. :thumb:

Heck, if you guys want me to, I can still plug up all the stats anyway ... no problem. :)
Sorry Mucks,

Guess I have missed out on something here - what's happened?:eek:

As regards moving, I'm happy to go with the flow. We seem to have a reasonable amount of crunching power between us, as I feel it would be nice for us all to stick together. Its good to be able to have a bit of happy competition between ourselves:thumb:

I have never encountered such a smug, pompous, snobbish, miserable bunch of sourpusses as I have at the (e-mail address removed) Forum.

I usually manage to get on with most peeps at most forums but I actually managed to get myself banned from that place. Which I'm almost kinda proud of :D

As some of you know, for the last four years I've been crunching with my team mates on my other forum and several of us came in for some pettiness from the (e-mail address removed) mods.

Friends of ours, PCQ & A, good spirited rivals, have also come in for some flak and I believe they're jumping ship as well.

Needless to say, all team members at my other place, BBT, have now quit (e-mail address removed).

(e-mail address removed) attitude has cost them some considerable firepower, the fools.

So, just to set the record straight, before you all stumble across the BBT recruitment thread at (e-mail address removed) ;)
It does seem like F@H has wound a good few ex-FAD teams up - they don't seem to be doing themselves any favours!
Thank you Floppy ... :thumb:

Most of you know, or should know, I to am a member of BBT & PCQ&A and have been for some considerable years ... and their contributions to "crunching" is not in question.

Hey, I ain't no angle, you all know me and I can be as blunt and dry with the best, but the 'Mods' at F@H have an attitude to a "community" that I have never come across before on a forum, I have seen it from members, but not from Mods. I know when to appolgise.

Nope, I ain't happy and nor too are a lot of people, so the only way I know how to voice an expression to them is to move my PC to another cause. I have done just that.

You are all free to make of this as you will ... again I say, I am not trying to sway you one way or another ... the choice is yours.

mucks :o
I dont like the attitude of them over there one little bit. :mad: I expressed my opinion of them before and to me this is 'the beginning of the end' of F@H for me. - Not really an accurate description is it...... :confused:

Bruce Bruce, that blokes funny!! I enjoyed reading his comments especially when involved with Macaholic! ;)

I've looked into the other projects and tbh none of them seem anywhere near as good as FaD, but again is not gonna be around for much longer. :(

F@H has killed my enthusiasm for anything DC related i'm afraid, I may not be in the new team to be honest. But dont count me out, may well have a change of heart later on down the line.

Let me know how the new project shapes up and i might reconsider. :)
VR, there are a lot of 'crunchers' leaving the cause when Find-a-Drug closes ... sad day.

Our F@H team is not disbanding because of me, well I hope not, I'll continue with the 'stats' for PCReview as long as is needed.

Mucks, i saw you on the WCG forums.So have you got a PCR team up and running or are you crunchiing for BBT!?

BTW, i've had a change of heart, back folding for the time being. :thumb: Cant let the team down! :)
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Mucks, i saw you on the WCG forums. So have you got a PCR team up and running or are you crunchiing for BBT!?
Yes, I have a 'team' in place ... no I'm not 'crunching for BBT or PCQ&A ... to join any team at WCG you need to sign-up first @ World Community Grid and download the appropriate software.

  • All they need to do to join your team is click on the web address and then click on the join now button on the page that appears.
  • If they have not yet joined World Community Grid, then let them know that they will first need to download the agent and register with the World Community Grid by going to Once they have completed the download and registration process, they can click on the web address below and join your team.

You will show in the team page as soon as you join and the site is updated ... but your 'stats' can take 24 hours to show up.

What do you think of WCG so far Mucks? Is it worth us all making the leap?
With this one is there anyway you can crunch using 7 computers and all your points will go to 1 user name, but you can see which computers turned how many hits?
I'm going to stay with F@H at the moment and see how WCG goes - however if Postill is already there getting a head start, I may move sooner:p
Ian Cunningham said:
What do you think of WCG so far Mucks? Is it worth us all making the leap?
Ian, I think WCG have a happy medium between 'members' and 'staff' and more important to me, they will be tackling Cancer ... they also have a Linux program I can use. Still trying to figure it out, bit slow on the uptake again, but it runs and I turned my first WU in within 3 hours. :D

Their forum software is a bit lacking in features and I don't get "email notifications" (again) so I have to keep popping in to view my questions ... they are a different breed of people only too willing to help.

WCG seems better...
I'm in for that. Crunching on it now! The PC Review Crew II
How did you find me, or have you just changed ... you are already on the team details. :thumb:

I'm going to stay with F@H at the moment and see how WCG goes
No problem, I did not want the 'team' to split up but crunching is crunching no matter who for. :)
So "PC Review Crew II" is the name for the WCG team?
The software seems to be made ALOT better - more professional...



And i'm pretty sure you can return results into the same user profile from multiple machines, and not have to clump the results together! You have a member name and password, and also a device name for each PC. There are more stats that you can ever want by the looks of things and it is the most legit looking thing i've seen yet ;)

So far installed on 4 - and rermoved F(e-mail address removed)


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