" The current time on this computer and the current time
on the network are different"
This error comes when domain user logs on to the domain.
Why is this error coming and what is the solution ?
Kerberos depends upon the time being synched among all computers
during the logon. It authenticates by using the user password
to encrypt a timestamp. If that timestamp is out of agreement by more
than the "Maximum Tolerance For Computer Clock Synchronization" policy on
the domain controller it is assumed to be a replay and fails. The
default is five minutes.
Logon the the workstation locally and run the following from the
command line:
net time \\<computername> /set
where <computername> is the closest DC in your domain.
Matt Hickman
"Meade sniffed as she climbed the to the dock.
'What's that funny smell Hazel?'
'Fresh air. Odd stuff, isn't it?'"
- Robert A. Heinlein _The Rolling Stones_