I am having troubles with the Condition in a Macro such as the following:
[Files_Topics Query1]![displayfile1]="underwater_1"
I have included many of them besides many "OutputTo" Macros so that I would
be able to update data or the format and output all the documents in no time.
.. . . But it is taking for ever to get it done :-(
Apart from the QUERY!FIELD="DATA" example that is shown above, I can not
find on this web site another solution.
If you could help please do so. Pretty please!
[Files_Topics Query1]![displayfile1]="underwater_1"
I have included many of them besides many "OutputTo" Macros so that I would
be able to update data or the format and output all the documents in no time.
.. . . But it is taking for ever to get it done :-(
Apart from the QUERY!FIELD="DATA" example that is shown above, I can not
find on this web site another solution.
If you could help please do so. Pretty please!