The Commands in the popup menu are disabled

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Urpiano Cedazo

Hi all:

First of all, I must apologize for my poor English.

I have developed an Auto_Open macro that runs a slide show generating each
slide on run time reading the contents from an Excel book, in a non exit
loop. It works fine and I can stop the slide show with a right click and
executing "Stop slide show" (I'm not sure if this is the exact command name,
my PP is in Spanish).

When I save as addin and load the saved addin, the slide show starts with no
problem, but I can not stop the slide show with de "Stop slide show"
command, because de popup menu has all its commands disabled. Does anybody
knows how to change this behaviour?


I'd forgotten to said that PP is 2003 version. And here is the code:

Option Explicit
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)

'Column constants
Public Const COL_HOTEL = "A"
Public Const COL_ESTRELLAS = "H"
Public Const COL_POBLACION = "B"
Public Const COL_PROVINCIA = "C"
Public Const COL_PAIS = "D"
Public Const COL_FECHAS = "E"
Public Const COL_TALONES = "F"
Public Const COL_REGIMEN = "G"

Sub Auto_Open()

Dim app_Excel As New Excel.Application
Dim wb_Libro As Excel.Workbook
Dim ws_Hoja As Worksheet
Dim lng_Linea As Long

Dim app_PowerPoint As New PowerPoint.Application
Dim pre_Ofertas As Presentation
Dim sld_Diapositiva As Slide
Dim str_Plantilla As String
Dim obj_FSO As New FileSystemObject

Dim str_Hotel As String, str_Estrellas As String, _
str_Poblacion As String, str_Provincia As String
Dim str_Pais As String, str_Fechas As String, _
str_Talones As String, str_Regimen As String
Dim str_EtiquetaTalones As String
Dim lng_ColorTalones As Long

On Error GoTo ctrl_Errores

' Get a reference to your add-in.
If AddIns.Count > 0 Then

With AddIns(AddIns.Count)

' Create the registry key in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.
.Registered = msoTrue

' Set the AutoLoad value in the registry.
.AutoLoad = msoTrue

' Makes sure that the add-in is loaded.
.Loaded = msoTrue

End With

End If

'The Excel worksheet has column headers, so the 1st line
'to read is the sheet's 2nd line
lng_Linea = 2

'Creating new presentation
Set pre_Ofertas = app_PowerPoint.Presentations.Add

'Adding a blank slide to the presentation
pre_Ofertas.Slides.Add 1, ppLayoutBlank

'Setting transition properties
With pre_Ofertas.Slides.Range.SlideShowTransition

.AdvanceTime = 5
.EntryEffect = ppEffectRandom

End With

'Setting Slide Show Settings and running it
With pre_Ofertas.SlideShowSettings

.AdvanceMode = ppSlideShowManualAdvance
.ShowWithAnimation = msoTrue

End With

'Hidding mouse cursor
pre_Ofertas.SlideShowWindow.View.PointerType = _


'Copyin Excel's workbook (this workbook has the data)
obj_FSO.CopyFile "\\server\folder\hotels.xls", _
"\\server\folder\hotels1.xls", True

'Opening the copy
Set wb_Libro = app_Excel.Workbooks.Open("\\server\folder\hotels1.xls", _
Set ws_Hoja = wb_Libro.Worksheets(1)

'If the sheet's current line is blank then return to the 2nd line
If ws_Hoja.Range("A" & lng_Linea).Value = "" Then

lng_Linea = 2
GoTo NuevaVuelta

End If

'Reading the data and charging it onto variables
With ws_Hoja

str_Hotel = ws_Hoja.Range(COL_HOTEL & lng_Linea).Value
str_Estrellas = ws_Hoja.Range(COL_ESTRELLAS & lng_Linea).Value
str_Poblacion = ws_Hoja.Range(COL_POBLACION & lng_Linea).Value
str_Provincia = ws_Hoja.Range(COL_PROVINCIA & lng_Linea).Value
str_Pais = ws_Hoja.Range(COL_PAIS & lng_Linea).Value
str_Fechas = ws_Hoja.Range(COL_FECHAS & lng_Linea).Value
str_Talones = ws_Hoja.Range(COL_TALONES & lng_Linea).Value
str_Regimen = ws_Hoja.Range(COL_REGIMEN & lng_Linea).Value

'Setting plural or singular label
If CInt(str_Talones) = 1 Then

str_EtiquetaTalones = "Talón/Noche"


str_EtiquetaTalones = "Talones/Noche"

End If

End With

'Closing workbook

'Deleting copy
obj_FSO.DeleteFile "\\server\folder\hotels1.xls", True

'Diferent colors in check number function
Select Case CInt(str_Talones)

Case 1 'Rosa

lng_ColorTalones = RGB(254, 194, 215)

Case 2 'Azul

lng_ColorTalones = RGB(184, 208, 246)

Case 3 'Amarillo

lng_ColorTalones = RGB(252, 254, 176)

Case 4 'Verde

lng_ColorTalones = RGB(146, 216, 136)

Case 5 'Naranja

lng_ColorTalones = RGB(247, 196, 105)

Case Else 'Blanco

lng_ColorTalones = RGB(255, 255, 255)

End Select

'Creating slide
Set sld_Diapositiva = ActivePresentation.Slides.Add(1, ppLayoutText)

'Applying template to the slide
sld_Diapositiva.ApplyTemplate "\\server\folder\hotels.pot"

'If there are three slide the 2dn will be deleted
If pre_Ofertas.Slides.Count > 2 Then ActivePresentation.Slides(2).Delete

'Writing data onto title
sld_Diapositiva.Shapes.Title.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = str_Hotel & " " & _
str_Estrellas & vbCrLf & _
str_Poblacion & " (" & _
str_Provincia & ") " & _
str_Pais & vbCrLf & _
str_Talones & " " & str_EtiquetaTalones

'Formatting tittle text
With sld_Diapositiva.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange

.Characters(1, Len(str_Hotel & " " & str_Estrellas)).Font.Bold = msoTrue
.Characters(Len(str_Hotel) + 2, Len(str_Estrellas)).Font.Name = "Wingdings 2"
.Characters(Len(str_Hotel) + 2, Len(str_Estrellas)).Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 230, 0)
.Characters(Len(str_Hotel & " " & str_Estrellas) + 1, _
Len(sld_Diapositiva.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Text)).Font.Bold = msoFalse
.Characters(Len(.Text) - Len(str_Talones & " " & str_EtiquetaTalones) + 1, _
Len(str_Talones & " " & str_EtiquetaTalones)).Font.Color.RGB = lng_ColorTalones
.Characters(Len(.Text) - Len(str_Talones & " " & str_EtiquetaTalones) + 1, _
Len(str_Talones & " " & str_EtiquetaTalones)).Font.Bold = msoTrue

End With

'Writing data onto text and formatting it
With sld_Diapositiva.Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange

.Text = "Fechas: " & str_Fechas & vbCrLf & _
"Régimen: " & str_Regimen

.Characters(Len("Fechas: ") + 1, Len(str_Fechas)).Font.Bold = msoTrue
.Characters(Len("Fechas: ") + Len(str_Fechas) + Len("Régimen: ") + 2, _
Len(str_Regimen)).Font.Bold = msoTrue

End With

'Moving to the created slide
pre_Ofertas.SlideShowSettings.Run.View.GotoSlide 1

'Waiting 20 seconds
Sleep 20000

'Seeking if the slide show is ended
If Not pre_Ofertas.SlideShowWindow.View.State = ppSlideShowRunning Then



Exit Do

End If

'Adding 1 to the worksheet line counter
lng_Linea = lng_Linea + 1




'Quitting and emptying
Set ws_Hoja = Nothing
Set wb_Libro = Nothing
Set app_Excel = Nothing
Set obj_FSO = Nothing
Set app_PowerPoint = Nothing
Exit Sub


If Err.Number = 1004 Then


ElseIf Err.Number = -2147188160 Then

Resume FinDePresentacion


MsgBox Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description, vbOKOnly, "bas_Ventas.Auto_Open"

End If

Resume FinDeProcedimiento

End Sub

Un Saludo
Urpiano Cedazo

Y fue Urpiano Cedazo ([email protected]) quien en el mensaje [email protected], planeando sobre su teclado, hizo un picado y tecleó: