The 'C' word

Jan 14, 2006
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Is it to early to mention the 'C' word yet?

As in 2 months time it will be C*****mas Eve!!!!!
C for cabbage. Hate the stuff. Winter is always the same cabbage sprouts or leeks. I'd take the leeks anyday. Steady on Taffycat don't throw them so hard.

Humbug to you all.
It's C*****MAS in 2 months time!:D

Then on the 1st of January the shops will start selling Easter Eggs!
Whoa... you get "the Nightmare before C*****mas" first... Hallowe'en!


  • Batonpumpkin.webp
    2.6 KB · Views: 125
Got all the sweets etc ready for trick & treaters next week.:thumb:

Then may do C*****Mas shopping weekend after.:thumb:

***** so not to upset those of a delicate nature or with their thumb on the ban button!:p
feckit said:
Humbug to you all.
It's C*****MAS in 2 months time!:D

Then on the 1st of January the shops will start selling Easter Eggs!

You did say C*****MAS didn`t you:D
... And you will have opened your C*****mas Stocking and will now be looking forward to your C*****mas dinner!

I've already got half me x*as prezzies bought already, well for the blokes in the family and sisters boyfriends, anything techy.

I wish girls were just as easy to shop for.
Ahem... what about something techy for them too? I'd love to find some software (game or something creative) or other techy gizmo in my stocking ;)
feckit said:
In 2 months time it will all be over for another year!

Aaarrrgh..... my late gran always used to say that...or something similar anyway. Her actual quote was "Oh well... it's as far away as ever again ..." about half an hour after she'd eaten C*****mas lunch!!