The C:\Windows\Web Folder

  • Thread starter Thread starter Craig
  • Start date Start date


One of our machine's Desktop screen recently became full of garbage.
The only thing I could find was that there was a whole load of *gif* files
that had suddenly appeared in this folder. I removed them and the problem
seems to have gone away.
My question is what purpose does this folder serve?

Hi, Craig.

I don't know what purpose \Windows\Web serves, but I have it, too, in my
WinXP. Maybe a guru will come along soon and explain it to both of us.

In the meantime...My Web folder contains only a few files; in a "DOS"
window, dir web /s/a produces a directory of 11 subfolders holding 90 files
totaling about 3.5 MB. The Wallpaper subfolder holds Bliss.bmp (the WinXP
wallpaper), plus 31 .jpg files. These are the files that you can choose
from when you click Desktop in the Display Properties screen. (My Desktop
choices also include pictures that I've taken with my digital camera that
are stored in My Pictures.)

Just for fun, open the Web folder in Windows Explorer, click on a .bmp or
..gif file (They are hidden, so you'll have to set your computer to show
those.) and then press F11 to watch the Slide Show.

That doesn't explain where your new .gifs came from, but maybe it will help
you figure it out.

I'm not to clear about the whole purpose of the windows/web folder but ,y
machine puts all my wallpapers out there