The best free DVD burning software?

May 11, 2005
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I have been trying to copy a few DVDs at home on my PC(nothing illegal i might add). I have used a free download called Burn4free. It gets the job done. Well sort of. I can burn to DVD and watch on my PC. But the disc wont play on my standalone DVD player. I today tried a different disc. Firstly i tried DVD-RW which wouldn't play on the DVD player. Today i bought a few DVD disc and tried again. I have just tried a DVD+R and it stil wont play on my DVD player. So i'm asking for any advice on DVD burning software. I tried Nero on my PC that was already installed. But for some reason it wont let me burn. Maybe its a freeby. Anyway. Any advice guys?
Do you have the right region code set on your standalone dvd player and your copier may have a different region code..check out the region code in your software you are burning with...

if your just looking to copy dvd's, that will play one anything.
Shrink it with DVD SHRINK. after dvd shrink does its magic you can burn the created files using most any bruning program out there.

dvd shrink will tell you if the region code is inadeqaute and will allow you to select 1,2, 3 or even all reghions to play in.

it even allows bulky dvd-9 files to be crammed into dvd-5 discs(singl layer) if you have a dual layer burner tyhough and these discs hold not css or other protection any dvd burngin programs raw copy utility should work.
Burn for free is a pain, I use freeware Deepburner. If this is home video that you recorded to your pc DVD like a AVI then it need to be converted to DVD format before you burnit and play it in a player. I havnt made copies of record lable movies cant give ideas there.
Hi masterkeedu I'm quite interested in this myself have you got a web link to download the software?
DVD Shrink, is one of the best, just use Google ... however, not ALL home DVD players can play copied DVDs
