Roger Johansson
Q: What is freeware?
Freeware is software you can legally download from internet and use
for free. Freeware is software that can be legally used without
monitary payment to the author and/or copyright owner
Freeware is not the same thing as pirated, cracked software.
Freeware is available in many different forms, like open source,
public domain, adware, nagware, beta, time limited, demo, lite
versions, etc..
The usefulness of freeware can be more or less limited by ads, nags,
time limitations, etc.. Of course we prefer freeware which is as
valuable as possible, with as small limitations as possible.
Q: If I want to tell others about a freeware program I have found,
what should I think about?
Tell the readers where they can find it, how big it is, what the value
of the program is, what the purpose of the program is, what (if any)
limitations it has.
Programs with limitations, like time limited, ads, nags, should not be
recommended unless the value of the program is much greater than the
negative value of the limitations.
Programs infested with spyware, viruses, and such should of course not
be recommended.
Before you tell others about a program you could check if it already
is included in the list at www.pricelessware.org which is the group's
list of good freeware programs.
Please remember that this newsgroup is a global newsgroup open for all
ages and all kinds of people. Avoid foul language, abusive or
patronizing attitudes, etc..
We like to have a friendly and helpful atmosphere in the group.
If others do things you think are wrong, like top posting or
announcing non-freeware, ignore it, or help them realize that it was
not so good to do so.
A friendly word now and then is better than jumping on every
occurrence of what you think is wrong.
Newcomers may even learn from the good example of the others after a
while, without being told what to do at all.
(If you don't like this FAQ, write your own, we cannot have too many
faqs, can we?
Freeware is software you can legally download from internet and use
for free. Freeware is software that can be legally used without
monitary payment to the author and/or copyright owner
Freeware is not the same thing as pirated, cracked software.
Freeware is available in many different forms, like open source,
public domain, adware, nagware, beta, time limited, demo, lite
versions, etc..
The usefulness of freeware can be more or less limited by ads, nags,
time limitations, etc.. Of course we prefer freeware which is as
valuable as possible, with as small limitations as possible.
Q: If I want to tell others about a freeware program I have found,
what should I think about?
Tell the readers where they can find it, how big it is, what the value
of the program is, what the purpose of the program is, what (if any)
limitations it has.
Programs with limitations, like time limited, ads, nags, should not be
recommended unless the value of the program is much greater than the
negative value of the limitations.
Programs infested with spyware, viruses, and such should of course not
be recommended.
Before you tell others about a program you could check if it already
is included in the list at www.pricelessware.org which is the group's
list of good freeware programs.
Please remember that this newsgroup is a global newsgroup open for all
ages and all kinds of people. Avoid foul language, abusive or
patronizing attitudes, etc..
We like to have a friendly and helpful atmosphere in the group.
If others do things you think are wrong, like top posting or
announcing non-freeware, ignore it, or help them realize that it was
not so good to do so.
A friendly word now and then is better than jumping on every
occurrence of what you think is wrong.
Newcomers may even learn from the good example of the others after a
while, without being told what to do at all.
(If you don't like this FAQ, write your own, we cannot have too many
faqs, can we?