that re-cased server

  • Thread starter Thread starter philo
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Is this a fair trade, a server for "junk"?
I'd think a fully working, licensed, server is worth a bit
of $ more than just junk.

I still have 5 servers left in my basement...
he'd getting the worst one of the lot.
It's a single CPU pentium pro 200 mhz.

I paid *nothing* for them and am glad to find a good home for one of them.

I'm getting a number of older PC's in exchange that can be re-used.

I do volunteer work for a local non-profit organization and need lower end
PC's to set up for their members...
as a certified Microsoft refurbisher anything that will run win2k is good
(The certificates are just $5 a piece ) Any P-II or above with at least 128
megs of RAM will be fine.

The server I'm getting rid of has outlived it's usefulness...
heck to run that RAID 5 array for just 24 gigs of storage is not worth it
for all the power it consumes.

As a matter of fact...I'd give any of the servers I have to anyone that I
thought would actually have a use for it...
the only ones in the lot that I would not give away are the Digital Prioris
ZX 6000 (must weight 100 #)
and a dual CPU with RAID HP Netserver LC3.

I did run an ad locally and even at $50 a peice...I got no takers!!!