OK, I printed the MS 281679 solution and ran through it,
when I got to the "regsvr32 Msjava.dll" it told me that it
was unable to locate the module. Can I reinstall the
Msjava.dll from the XP disk or do I need to go someplace
and get a new Java VM? I have run into download new Java VM
messages, but I couldn't locate it's whereabouts, now that
MS isn't letting you download it anymore? Once again I need
some advice, and Thanks alot siljaline for your earlier advice.
Once again Thanks all,
Jason Livingston
when I got to the "regsvr32 Msjava.dll" it told me that it
was unable to locate the module. Can I reinstall the
Msjava.dll from the XP disk or do I need to go someplace
and get a new Java VM? I have run into download new Java VM
messages, but I couldn't locate it's whereabouts, now that
MS isn't letting you download it anymore? Once again I need
some advice, and Thanks alot siljaline for your earlier advice.
Once again Thanks all,
Jason Livingston