Thanks PCR !

Feb 26, 2003
Reaction score
Dear PCR friends, I was not sure if I was going to post a thred about this, as I don't want to seem like I'm bragging or anything, but Micro Mart (UK-Based weekly computer mag) have started commissioning me to write hardware and software reviews for them. It's only a bit of a hobby as I have a fullt time day job, but I'm really pleased about it and I wanted to say thanks to PCR forum for being one of the places where I've learned most about computers and found that I enjoy writing about them:thumb:

If anyone ever gets the magazine (out every Thursday in most newsagents and superstores;) ) Then look out for reviews buy a guy called Ian Burkinshaw (for that is me). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated via this forum, or indeed to Micro Mart itself! (Unless of course you think my reviews are crap, in which case perhaps it would be better if you didn't say anything)

Anyway, thanks again all! :thumb:
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congratulations 1nteger hope all goes well :)

suppose i will have to buy micro mark now and see your review ;)

Good luck dude!
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Congratulations! That's great! :D

I shall keep an eye out for it ;)
Excellent job 1nteger!
best of luck as i dont get the mag here in the states:p
Well done 1nt :D I haven't seen MicroMart in my local Tescos, but theres a WH Smiths in town so I'll check it there :)

honestly ive not heard of the mag you are in, but definetly ill take a sneak at that mag next time im out!
well congratulations my old mucker!
well how about this, when your review comes out, take a picture of it and send it in, perhaps they will load it in the review section along with the pic showing the issue it was in.
Well done 1nteger - I often read MicroMart, its pretty good - not sure now though.........:p
Congratulations! :D

I'm with Alf as far as not getting it in the states. If you get an extra copy, send it to me and I'll tell you what I think. Then I could send it to Alf and so on and so forth :D

If not, congrats anyway :thumb:

I am late but congratulations! Good to know someone saw the talent in you.
I'm going to look for a way to mention PCR if i can, but so far their guidelines seem pretty strict as they have their own discussion forums and don't like peeps being directed to 'the competition'. Anyhow, they seem a good bunch and the mag is one of the few I've read that doesn't seem to be dominated by a hardware or software vendor. What i will definitely do is try and get as many of your names in as know...things like...'digital photo guru called Quadophile reckons'...or: 'IT femme fatale, and Lara Croft mentor, Sexy Bex once told me'...that kind of thing. Now if only Ian C had a more interesting name ...mmmm...Mr Sexy Bex?:D. let's see if we can come up with a nickname for him and try and get him mentioned for all his great work on this site!!:thumb:
1nteger = global reviewer! said:
...Mr Sexy Bex?:D. let's see if we can come up with a nickname for him and try and get him mentioned for all his great work on this site!!:thumb:

yer i like the sound of that!

so do you get to keep the things you review ? and can the reviews be "altered" ;) and posted on a website ?
Me__2001 said:
so do you get to keep the things you review ? and can the reviews be "altered" ;) and posted on a website ?

I get sent the stuff to review...I got a wireless keyboard/mouse combo and a voice (singing) training software package with headset and microphone today ('s quite exciting to see what's sent to me!). Most has to go back and i may get to keep some stuff, but to be honest, it doesn't really matter to me. I think writing is my first interest and it's nice to see my name in print. I very much doubt I'll get sent the hardware I would buy for my own rig! It would be great to be able to say: Mmmm...send me a mobo, PSU, CPU. ram...etc...(eventually building a high-end PC) but it just won't be the case. Most of the stuff I get sent will probably be a pain in the ass to store or a cost to send back!

I have copyright of all the reviews I write so there's no reason I can't post them, say, on PCR (assuming that Ian C and the good peeps who invest their valuable time are happy to read them). Micro Mart simply have the right to use my reviews in any publication or web site they like and they may decide that they are so bad they don't want to publish them I don't think I want to get too cocky about this.

It's just a very nice feeling and I hope it works well, but i can't imagine doing this well without the ideas I can steal from PCR forum members:D.

Micro Mart is a UK magazine, but PCR is global!! So as far as I'm concerned, MM is cool, but PCR is cooler:thumb:
Well Congratulations Integer

I have been an avid reader of Micromart for many years now and have over 600 back issues...:thumb:

I am looking forward to reading your reviews hopefully within the next couple of Issues..

And for everybodys Information Micromart comes out on a weekly basis and is on sale in the shops every Thursday, price £1.90...Next Issue is out today the 9th....

Good luck and well done lets just hope your Articles get published...;)
Wow Congrats 1nteger. I hope they publish your articles you have a very good point of view on your hardware that you have reviwed... Hope you do well and would they have a sire we can read certain articles from i would like to read them GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!
I know i dont post on here as much as some, but i will be looking out for your reviews 1nteger, i read Micro Mart almost every week, and from what i have seen you saying on here you are a very knowledgeable chap! Good luck and well done! :D
1nteger said:
Now if only Ian C had a more interesting name ...mmmm...Mr Sexy Bex?:D.

He he, that comment had me laughing out loud! :D