Q Quinn Aug 8, 2006 #1 for some reason I can only post new message, not followups. can you give me a small example how to read binary to byte array?
for some reason I can only post new message, not followups. can you give me a small example how to read binary to byte array?
K Ken Halter Aug 8, 2006 #2 Quinn said: for some reason I can only post new message, not followups. can you give me a small example how to read binary to byte array? Click to expand... You're using Outlook Express and can't post replies to threads? How come? Is the button "greyed" out?
Quinn said: for some reason I can only post new message, not followups. can you give me a small example how to read binary to byte array? Click to expand... You're using Outlook Express and can't post replies to threads? How come? Is the button "greyed" out?
M Mythran Aug 9, 2006 #3 Quinn said: for some reason I can only post new message, not followups. can you give me a small example how to read binary to byte array? Click to expand... Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead("C:\images\test.gif") Try Dim reader As BinaryReader = New BinaryReader(stream) Dim bytes As Byte() = reader.ReadBytes(CInt(stream.Length)) Finally ' Cleanup. stream.Close() End Try HTH, Mythran
Quinn said: for some reason I can only post new message, not followups. can you give me a small example how to read binary to byte array? Click to expand... Dim stream As FileStream = File.OpenRead("C:\images\test.gif") Try Dim reader As BinaryReader = New BinaryReader(stream) Dim bytes As Byte() = reader.ReadBytes(CInt(stream.Length)) Finally ' Cleanup. stream.Close() End Try HTH, Mythran