Thanks Muckshifter & well done

Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
Just noticed that
has just passed 300k

Oh and thanks for all you do in the
background to do with crunching & pcreview
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Ahh - modest as ever Mucks, thought you could keep it quiet eh? ;)

Congrats on reaching 300K - and thanks for all you do for the Team and PC Review

Mucks, you are incredible with all you do here at PC Review :thumb:
Hope you don't mind me posting this Muckshifter, but after all i did feel you deserved a pat on the back for what you do.
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Hey, you kept that quiet Mucks! :eek:

Congrats to you mate!
Mucks is no ordinary man, he has very high standards. He had been posting the stats on a regular basis and once in a blue moon he used to forget mentioning someone reaching a particular milestone, and understandably so. However he used to feel bad about it. I think we all would have made these mistakes if we were doing what Mucks was doing, that's what you call human error. Mucks probably decided that he would punish himself by not mentioning his own milestone reached. This is no ordinary feat.

I salute him for who he is, a man to be respected!:bow:
Quadophile said:
Mucks is no ordinary man, he has very high standards. He had been posting the stats on a regular basis and once in a blue moon he used to forget mentioning someone reaching a particular milestone, and understandably so. However he used to feel bad about it. I think we all would have made these mistakes if we were doing what Mucks was doing, that's what you call human error. Mucks probably decided that he would punish himself by not mentioning his own milestone reached. This is no ordinary feat.

I salute him for who he is, a man to be respected!:bow:

Very well said Quad. :thumb:
I don't know whether to delete this post, ban you lot, or what ... :confused:

I just spent quite some time writing a responce and just deleted it ... :rolleyes:

I ain't nuffin special, I do what I do 'cos I like doing it ... now bugger off.

But thanks all the same ... :o
By feckit
Hope you don't mind me posting this Muckshifter, but after all i did feel you deserved a pat on the back for what you do.

Dont matter if he likes it or not....the stats say it all and we will applaud it

Mucks 300,000+ Yippee dippy doo

well done :thumb:
muckshifter said:
I don't know whether to delete this post, ban you lot, or what ... :confused:

You are going to ban US for reaching a milestone:confused:

I just spent quite some time writing a responce and just deleted it ... :rolleyes:

Yeah, I was watching it online and had been very anxiously waiting to see your comments.....oh well

I ain't nuffin special, I do what I do 'cos I like doing it ... now bugger off.

We are not going to bugger off :p

But thanks all the same ... :o

Are you not contradicting yourself here after what you said in the first line of your post ;)

No matter what, you deserved it and that is why this thread is existing
Yeah so for once Mucks take a bit of acclaim( then tommorrow we will all shut up again) ;)
:D Tough luck mucks, I think you're doomed to be appreciated whether you like it or not ;)
Thank you:p
& Well done :):thumb:
