Thanks Kelly...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mani
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Hi Kelly,

Thanks for your input: Here are the details:

1) What connection(s) to the computer do you have?
I have connected my camera through USB.

2) Do you know what frame rate you are actually getting?
I am not sure where to look for this, but I vaguely
remember seeing it some place it was something like 30fps

Would this help?

Hi there,

OK. A USB connection even if its USB 2, will give you a poor frame rate for
a 720 x 576 frame size, I would guess it will be very poor if its USB 1.1.

I don't know your camera, does it have the ability to connect via a
"Firewire" connecter? If yes then thats the way forward for you. If No,
then the only way you could get a good frame rate would be to accept a much
smaller picture. That is possible in Movie Maker 2. When you next capture a
video with MM2 carefull watch each screen in the dialog building up to the
capture. One of the screens will ask what format you want to capture to.
There are many image size and data rates to choose from. What you will have
to do is perhaps work down from the top one towards the smaller ones until
you find one that best suites your needs and the USB capabilities.

On the USB fron. Check whether your camera can use USB 2 or not. If it can
and assuming that you have not already done so, go buy a USB 2 card and
perhaps cable. You will notice a big improvement over USB 1.1
Hi Again,

I forgot to mention that I suspect the 30fps you referred to is either the
default setting for NTSC within Movie Maker or its the maximum frame rate
that your camera is capable of. Not knowing where you read it means I can't
comment further...but I would not worry about it at the prior
message is more important at this stage.
Hi Again,

I am giving up for the night after this.....My reference to going and
buying a USB2 card etc. That only aplies if you cannot go the Forewire