Ok, I took into consideration the suggestions from my
previous post. Let me show you what I have now, with a
little more detail.
Dim strSQLRec As String
Dim lngOrderNo As Long
lngOrderNo = rstBillQry("Signing ID")
If IsNull(rstBillQry("Intercomp_Billing_Recon")) Then
strSQLRec = "UPDATE [S-Signings] SET [S-
Signings].Intercomp_Billing_Recon = 'R' WHERE (([S-
Signings].Signing_ID) = lngOrderNo);"
dbs.Execute zap
End If
Important things to know
[Signing ID] is a autonum Key Field on the S-Signings table
What I am trying to accomplish.
Putting "R" in a field that is null where the querydef
Signing ID value is = to the table Signing ID.
I am getting a Type Mismatch error in the criteria when I
execute. HOWEVER. When I enter a number in place of
lngOrderNo in the SQL, it works.
i.e. strSQLRec = "UPDATE [S-Signings] SET [S-
Signings].Intercomp_Billing_Recon = 'R' WHERE (([S-
Signings].Signing_ID) = 37270);"
That works like a charm. I am very confused, please
help. Thank you.
previous post. Let me show you what I have now, with a
little more detail.
Dim strSQLRec As String
Dim lngOrderNo As Long
lngOrderNo = rstBillQry("Signing ID")
If IsNull(rstBillQry("Intercomp_Billing_Recon")) Then
strSQLRec = "UPDATE [S-Signings] SET [S-
Signings].Intercomp_Billing_Recon = 'R' WHERE (([S-
Signings].Signing_ID) = lngOrderNo);"
dbs.Execute zap
End If
Important things to know
[Signing ID] is a autonum Key Field on the S-Signings table
What I am trying to accomplish.
Putting "R" in a field that is null where the querydef
Signing ID value is = to the table Signing ID.
I am getting a Type Mismatch error in the criteria when I
execute. HOWEVER. When I enter a number in place of
lngOrderNo in the SQL, it works.
i.e. strSQLRec = "UPDATE [S-Signings] SET [S-
Signings].Intercomp_Billing_Recon = 'R' WHERE (([S-
Signings].Signing_ID) = 37270);"
That works like a charm. I am very confused, please
help. Thank you.