Louis Herndon
I have visited your site before. Lots of great ideas
there that have helped me alot. This animation I wish to
use is one given to me by the one wanting the Access
application. Standard animated gif, not sure where she
got it, but she's the CFO, so I will try to keep her
happy. With the ActiveX control, what is the proper way
to use it? Simply place the control on the form and then
put the gif inside of it?
Again, thanks. Your website is a great help, as well as
your advice here.
there that have helped me alot. This animation I wish to
use is one given to me by the one wanting the Access
application. Standard animated gif, not sure where she
got it, but she's the CFO, so I will try to keep her
happy. With the ActiveX control, what is the proper way
to use it? Simply place the control on the form and then
put the gif inside of it?
Again, thanks. Your website is a great help, as well as
your advice here.