TFT monitor displays Out of Range before WinXP loads

  • Thread starter Thread starter john
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I'm not sure whether this is the right NG for this, but here goes!

I have WinXP Homeand a Geforce4 MX4000 video card with the most recent
drivers. The monitor is a 14inch TFT of "unknown" origin, but performs
well for my purposes.

On a couple of occasions, the following problem has occurred just
after turning the PC on:

The monitor is already powered up before the PC is started.

The startup screen (BIOS etc.) displays a normal (DOS like) display.

After the POST, and where I should see the Windows startup screen, the
display "whites out" and an Out of Range error is shown.

If I leave the PC on long enough for Windows to finish loading, I can
"hot plug" a CRT monitor which behaves perfectly, showing that the
refresh rate and resolution are within specification for the TFT

If I plug the TFT monitor in again, all is well.

On odd one! But can anyone help?

(My suspicion falls on the monitor).

I'm not sure whether this is the right NG for this, but here

I have WinXP Homeand a Geforce4 MX4000 video card with the
most recent
drivers. The monitor is a 14inch TFT of "unknown" origin, but
well for my purposes.

On a couple of occasions, the following problem has occurred
after turning the PC on:

The monitor is already powered up before the PC is started.

The startup screen (BIOS etc.) displays a normal (DOS like)

After the POST, and where I should see the Windows startup
screen, the
display "whites out" and an Out of Range error is shown.

If I leave the PC on long enough for Windows to finish
loading, I can
"hot plug" a CRT monitor which behaves perfectly, showing that
refresh rate and resolution are within specification for the

If I plug the TFT monitor in again, all is well.

On odd one! But can anyone help?

(My suspicion falls on the monitor).


Yes, it dose sound like the monitor, the BIOS should be out puting at
standared VGA so that any montor can support it, if the monitor canot
display it, then it’s a problem wiht the monitor. Asuming it works
with other monitors.
Most TFT monitors have only one native resolution and it can't be changed
without suffering consequences. It should be relatively easy for you to
check your manual to find out precisely what specs your monitor has. Then
meet these specs. Do not vary from them - at all!


Richard Urban

If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!
Most TFT monitors have only one native resolution and it can't be changed
without suffering consequences. It should be relatively easy for you to
check your manual to find out precisely what specs your monitor has. Then
meet these specs. Do not vary from them - at all!

Its native resolution is 1024 x 768 and that's what Windows is set to
deliver (and 70Hz refresh rate). As I said, this has only happened
twice and, when I plugged a CRT monitor in,
Desktop...Properties/Settings showed that these values had not
changed. In any case, the problem starts well before the Welcome
screen - it seems to happen when the Windows splash screen (with the
progress bar) should appear (just after POST has finished).

The monitor was given to me by my son - time to get another maybe!!

Set your refresh rate to 60hz and see what occurs! There is no need for
higher refresh rates as there is no 60hz flicker with TFT monitors, as there
is with CRT monitors!


Richard Urban

If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!
Set your refresh rate to 60hz and see what occurs! There is no
need for
higher refresh rates as there is no 60hz flicker with TFT
monitors, as there
is with CRT monitors!


Richard Urban

If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you

LCD/TFT monitors dont actualy have a refresh rate.
Set your refresh rate to 60hz and see what occurs! There is no need for
higher refresh rates as there is no 60hz flicker with TFT monitors, as there
is with CRT monitors

Thanks to all for their help. It happened again today, so I was able
to take a more considered action. This time, I simply removed the
monitor power plug for a few seconds and, when powered up again, it
behaved normally except that it was rather fuzzy. Hitting the "Auto"
button cured that.

I have now reset refresh rate to 60Hz so it will be interesting to see
if it makes a difference. My bet is that it's a monitor issue - a good
excuse to get a better one!


Richard Urban said:
Most TFT monitors have only one native resolution and it can't be changed
without suffering consequences. It should be relatively easy for you to
check your manual to find out precisely what specs your monitor has. Then
meet these specs. Do not vary from them - at all!


Richard Urban

If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!

Richard Urban said:
Set your refresh rate to 60hz and see what occurs! There is no need for
higher refresh rates as there is no 60hz flicker with TFT monitors, as
there is with CRT monitors!


Richard Urban

If you knew as much as you thought you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!