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"Textview is a handy software program for Windows 9x/NT. It displays the
contents of the current directory in an Explorer-like list and lets you
quickly view files and directories from that list. This is useful to
review large text file collections like a CD-ROM's full of source code.
And it's easy to copy text, run files or save them to another location,
even a management for your favorite files and directories is built in."
You seem to have a bunch of goodies.

Got one in your stable that copies cd's to cd's? Really simple?

XP pro is supposed to do that but darned if I could figure out how. The
best I could come up with after a *lot* of trials was copying it file by
file (as a group) to the other cd.

ISO Lists the files on a CD-ROM; based on the ISO 9660 CD-ROM file system

OK, I looked up ISO. Confess I still don't know what it means. Does a file
copied to a cd have to be converted to ISO? Does that change their
composition, i.e. picture resolution etc?

I know this isn't the forum for this question but it relates to my question
that does.

PS. I do have separate cd drives.

|ISO Lists the files on a CD-ROM; based on the ISO 9660 CD-ROM file system
|OK, I looked up ISO. Confess I still don't know what it means.

It just a way to handle file names.

"Level 1 ISO-9660 defines names to be the familiar 8+3 convention that
MS-DOS users have suffered through for many years: eight characters for
the name, a period ("full stop" for those of you in the U.K.), followed
by three characters for the file type, all in upper case. The only
allowed characters are A-Z, 0-9, '.', and '_'. There's also a file
version number, separated from the name by a semicolon, but it's usually

Files must occupy a contiguous range of sectors. This allows a file to be
specified with a start block and a count. (Most disk-based filesystems
require index blocks that list all the blocks used by a file.) The
maximum directory depth is 8.

Level 2 ISO-9660 allows far more flexibility in filenames, but isn't
usable on some systems, notably MS-DOS."

}Does a file
|copied to a cd have to be converted to ISO?


}Does that change their
|composition, i.e. picture resolution etc?

Not at all.
|I know this isn't the forum for this question but it relates to my question
|that does.

This should answer all of your questions. http://www.cdrfaq.org

Here are some places to get further help.
CDROM Guide Forums

Club CD Freaks Forums

and here are some newsgroups

|PS. I do have separate cd drives.

All you should have to do is stick the disk you want to copy in your
CDROM. Then stick a blank CD in your burner. Then select the disk copy