Thomas Yurick
Hi all,
I have been away from Access for a while and need some quick help. I have a
textfile that I am opening and using string functions to parse. After I have
assigned the parsed strings to variables, how can I insert them into tables?
Here is an example of code, with the results being printed to the Immediate
Window, instead of being inserted into a table.
Private Sub cmdImportSysLog_Click()
'Dimension variables
Dim SyslogTextLine, AuthenSuccess, AuthenFail, AuthenScrchString,
FailedScrchString As String
Dim AuthenDate, AuthenGroup, AuthenUser, FailDate, FailIP, FailUser As
Dim GroupStart, GroupEnd, UserStart, UserEnd As Variant
Dim RPTStart, IPStart, IPEnd, FailUserStart, FailUserEnd As Variant
AuthenScrchString = "authenticated."
FailedScrchString = "Authentication failed:"
Open "D:\Work\SyslogCatchAll.txt" For Input As #1 ' Open file.
Do While Not EOF(1) ' Loop until end of file.
Line Input #1, SyslogTextLine ' Read line into variable.
AuthenSuccess = InStr(1, SyslogTextLine, AuthenScrchString, 1) 'Find Key
If AuthenSuccess = 0 Then GoTo StartParseSuccess Else:
AuthenDate = Mid$(SyslogTextLine, 52, 23)
GroupStart = InStr(75, SyslogTextLine, "[", 1)
GroupEnd = InStr(75, SyslogTextLine, "]", 1)
AuthenGroup = Mid$(SyslogTextLine, GroupStart, (GroupEnd - GroupStart + 1))
UserStart = InStr((GroupEnd - GroupStart + 2), SyslogTextLine, "(", 1)
UserEnd = InStr((GroupEnd - GroupStart + 2), SyslogTextLine, ")", 1)
AuthenUser = Mid$(SyslogTextLine, (UserStart + 1), (UserEnd - UserStart -
Debug.Print AuthenDate & " " & AuthenGroup & " " & AuthenUser 'Check line
and print if valid.
Close #1 ' Close file.
I have been away from Access for a while and need some quick help. I have a
textfile that I am opening and using string functions to parse. After I have
assigned the parsed strings to variables, how can I insert them into tables?
Here is an example of code, with the results being printed to the Immediate
Window, instead of being inserted into a table.
Private Sub cmdImportSysLog_Click()
'Dimension variables
Dim SyslogTextLine, AuthenSuccess, AuthenFail, AuthenScrchString,
FailedScrchString As String
Dim AuthenDate, AuthenGroup, AuthenUser, FailDate, FailIP, FailUser As
Dim GroupStart, GroupEnd, UserStart, UserEnd As Variant
Dim RPTStart, IPStart, IPEnd, FailUserStart, FailUserEnd As Variant
AuthenScrchString = "authenticated."
FailedScrchString = "Authentication failed:"
Open "D:\Work\SyslogCatchAll.txt" For Input As #1 ' Open file.
Do While Not EOF(1) ' Loop until end of file.
Line Input #1, SyslogTextLine ' Read line into variable.
AuthenSuccess = InStr(1, SyslogTextLine, AuthenScrchString, 1) 'Find Key
If AuthenSuccess = 0 Then GoTo StartParseSuccess Else:
AuthenDate = Mid$(SyslogTextLine, 52, 23)
GroupStart = InStr(75, SyslogTextLine, "[", 1)
GroupEnd = InStr(75, SyslogTextLine, "]", 1)
AuthenGroup = Mid$(SyslogTextLine, GroupStart, (GroupEnd - GroupStart + 1))
UserStart = InStr((GroupEnd - GroupStart + 2), SyslogTextLine, "(", 1)
UserEnd = InStr((GroupEnd - GroupStart + 2), SyslogTextLine, ")", 1)
AuthenUser = Mid$(SyslogTextLine, (UserStart + 1), (UserEnd - UserStart -
Debug.Print AuthenDate & " " & AuthenGroup & " " & AuthenUser 'Check line
and print if valid.
Close #1 ' Close file.