Textboxes and loops

  • Thread starter Thread starter morry
  • Start date Start date


I'm sorry i couldn't come up with at good subject to describe m

I have a form with three text boxes on it one is there to enter
change number, another is to enter a part number, and the third is t
Enter notes that describe the part. As of now my form has a comman
button that pastes the data that was entered into the text boxes, int
cells in three consecutive rows on a different sheet, in the sam
workbook. The output looks like:

Disposition Notes <---- This is a header that i
only shown once
Change Number 325 <---- These next three lines show
what is brought in from the text boxes.
Part Number r45891 <-----
(Notes go here) <-----

I know how to paste them in to specific cells but I need to know how
can paste these in rows for example starting at range "G8, G9, and G10
and then the next time a note is entered it doesn't write over top o
this one but starts in cells "G12, G13, G14" there may be a differen
number of parts with notes each time i run this report so it need t

Thank you for your help.
Something like

With Worksheets("Sheet1")
cLastRow = .Cells(Rows.Count,"G").End(xlup).Row
.Cells(cLastRow+1,"G").value = Textbox3.Text
.Cells(cLastRow+2,"G").value = Textbox1.Text
.Cells(cLastRow+3,"G").value = Textbox2.Text
End With



Bob Phillips
... looking out across Poole Harbour to the Purbecks
(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)