My Pricetbl has five (number) fields (as double and general format each).
How can I write an array to place them in a combobox?, but instead of showing
the number, show the name. I do not want the names to be passed, but the
number of the selected.
As it's setup in the table
Widget number
widget2 number
widget3 number
widget4 number
widget5 number
LoadRate number
LoadMileage number
EquationTbl done with query
NewNumber number (from the selected combobox worked inside th formula)
EnteredNumber1 number
EneterdNumber2 number
FinalEntered number
Tbl4 done with query
LoadTbl *, EquationTbl *
My first form has the five number textboxes to enter a decimal number, each,
for the day.
My second form has two number textboxes to enter a decimal number, each, for
as many locations for the day.
Third form will have the combobox I mentioned, to do a (equation,
calculation, or formula result) with out doing all five at the same time.
This way the final result of the selected item will be displayed in a text
box. But after I enter a number in two more textboxes then click a button to
start the equation. Below that will be another texbox, that the I will enter
a decimal number. When I click save button, this will save all the answers
from the formula and the second form into a seperate table, as many times per
So I have three tables, one for each form. This way I don't clear out the
fields on the first form or table until the next day as those numbers are no
longer needed. I clear the second table or form when I am at a different
locations during the day. I do not need this stored if I didn't have any
calculations at that location from the third form. I will have them stored
when I do my final number in a box. I don't need to save every bit of
information, through my calculations, or my database would overpopulate with
irrelevent numbers, until I need to save
Basically this is like a calculator. I tried to keep it as simple as I
could, but hopefully you can see the idea that is going on.
Thank You
How can I write an array to place them in a combobox?, but instead of showing
the number, show the name. I do not want the names to be passed, but the
number of the selected.
As it's setup in the table
Widget number
widget2 number
widget3 number
widget4 number
widget5 number
LoadRate number
LoadMileage number
EquationTbl done with query
NewNumber number (from the selected combobox worked inside th formula)
EnteredNumber1 number
EneterdNumber2 number
FinalEntered number
Tbl4 done with query
LoadTbl *, EquationTbl *
My first form has the five number textboxes to enter a decimal number, each,
for the day.
My second form has two number textboxes to enter a decimal number, each, for
as many locations for the day.
Third form will have the combobox I mentioned, to do a (equation,
calculation, or formula result) with out doing all five at the same time.
This way the final result of the selected item will be displayed in a text
box. But after I enter a number in two more textboxes then click a button to
start the equation. Below that will be another texbox, that the I will enter
a decimal number. When I click save button, this will save all the answers
from the formula and the second form into a seperate table, as many times per
So I have three tables, one for each form. This way I don't clear out the
fields on the first form or table until the next day as those numbers are no
longer needed. I clear the second table or form when I am at a different
locations during the day. I do not need this stored if I didn't have any
calculations at that location from the third form. I will have them stored
when I do my final number in a box. I don't need to save every bit of
information, through my calculations, or my database would overpopulate with
irrelevent numbers, until I need to save
Basically this is like a calculator. I tried to keep it as simple as I
could, but hopefully you can see the idea that is going on.
Thank You