Hello, I'm dealing with a problem that cost me a lot of time, so help is
I have a situation with a dataset with two tables and a relation between:
mDs.Relations.Add(New DataRelation( _
relationName:="relOfferteAanvragenRelaties", _
parentColumn:=mDs.Tables("OfferteAanvraag").Columns("OfferteAanvraagId"), _
childColumn:=mDs.Tables("Relatie").Columns("OfferteAanvraagId"), _
For new rows (one for the parent and one for the child table) I want to fill
the OfferteAanvraagId field of the child tablerow via the child table's
currencymanager (this field has no corresponding databound textbox):
CType(mcmRelatie.Current, DataRowView).Row.Item("OfferteAanvraagId") = _
CType(mBmb.Current, DataRowView).Row.Item("OfferteAanvraagId")
and also some other fields which do have corresponding databound textboxes:
CType(mcmRelatie.Current, DataRowView).Row.Item("Name") = Name
The problem is that the fields (of the child table) with corresponding
databound textboxes do not show the value (text) of the datarow. It seems
they don't get updated! I checked the dataset by exporting a Xml file of the
dataset and this shows the new parentrow en childrow with correct
I also found that after moving to the next row and back again the textboxes
are filled! However I want them filled at once. Endcurrentedit doesn't help
to solve the problem. How can I get the textboxes updated?
I have a situation with a dataset with two tables and a relation between:
mDs.Relations.Add(New DataRelation( _
relationName:="relOfferteAanvragenRelaties", _
parentColumn:=mDs.Tables("OfferteAanvraag").Columns("OfferteAanvraagId"), _
childColumn:=mDs.Tables("Relatie").Columns("OfferteAanvraagId"), _
For new rows (one for the parent and one for the child table) I want to fill
the OfferteAanvraagId field of the child tablerow via the child table's
currencymanager (this field has no corresponding databound textbox):
CType(mcmRelatie.Current, DataRowView).Row.Item("OfferteAanvraagId") = _
CType(mBmb.Current, DataRowView).Row.Item("OfferteAanvraagId")
and also some other fields which do have corresponding databound textboxes:
CType(mcmRelatie.Current, DataRowView).Row.Item("Name") = Name
The problem is that the fields (of the child table) with corresponding
databound textboxes do not show the value (text) of the datarow. It seems
they don't get updated! I checked the dataset by exporting a Xml file of the
dataset and this shows the new parentrow en childrow with correct
I also found that after moving to the next row and back again the textboxes
are filled! However I want them filled at once. Endcurrentedit doesn't help
to solve the problem. How can I get the textboxes updated?